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Eagle eating antelope alive, would you do anything?

Mustangs Rule

Well-known member
Feb 4, 2021
if you saw this happening, would you risk a game violation and shoot the antelope out of mercy?

I would not, it's a rough way to go but probably has been happening since before mankind occupied this continent. All those other times it happens, it's natural... doesn't make sense to interfere the one time I happen to see it take place.
if you saw this happening, would you risk a game violation and shoot the antelope out of mercy?

Yes. I don't think there's a JP in Montana that wouldn't throw that ticket in the trash. Like killing a buggered animal hit by a car. Maybe the cop is supposed to do it but if you can prove the animal was fatally injured, no one gives a shit who pulls the trigger. Look the other way.

Edit: I'll have to qualify that. In a suburban environment the authorities do give a shit who pulls the trigger on an injured animal. Sadly, that poor animal has to wait for the cops. People in the neighborhood don't trust Joe civilian to safely discharge a firearm. Understandable.
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You do what you do, and I’ll do what I do, and if you want to go to Disney be my guest.
Would you shoot the gazelle if the lion was on it's neck?

Would you shoot the sambar with the tiger on it's back?

Would you want the disney version of the wild, or are you willing to let things go as god designed them?
Probably would if no one was watching and I could finish the animal without risking hitting the predator. Leave it for them to come back and eat. Africa it would depend on proximity of scavengers. They could easily clean up the carcass before predator returns to finish its work.
Probably would if no one was watching and I could finish the animal without risking hitting the predator. Leave it for them to come back and eat. Africa it would depend on proximity of scavengers. They could easily clean up the carcass before predator returns to finish its work.

You would deny the lion and the tiger their nature in order to make yourself feel better.
I would blast that antelope with my lead ammo (always lead, I wont shoot any other), hoping for lead poisoning upon that abominable harpy, thus making myself feel better AND ridding the world of one more feathered monstrosity.

I kid, I joke. I love birds. Go birds! Also, about the lead. Never lead.
I’d probably call the game warden and see what they’d advise. I’d rather end it’s suffering, but it’s not worth a fine or worse.

If it were merely up to me, I’d shoot it. The bird would still get it’s meal, and probably have an easier time of it, too.
You would deny the lion and the tiger their nature in order to make yourself feel better.
Their nature is to fill their belly. They don't care much if it's already dead or still kicking. If they could cast a ballot, they'd probably vote for meat that's down and dead. Less likely to get their teeth knocked out while eating.
Their nature is to fill their belly. They don't care much if it's already dead or still kicking. If they could cast a ballot, they'd probably vote for meat that's down and dead. Less likely to get their teeth knocked out while eating.

Then why don't you just buy meat from the grocery store?