NEW SITKA Ambient 75

DS dumps big ass buck......(part two)



.......ok, been waiting on two things to post my Wyo buck.......pix of Greenys monster Muley and pix to come back from Walmart! ;)

I figured Greeny would post his usually Booner, no doubt, and he did not disappoint me.........and I'll admit, I was hoping to let him post, them trump his pic with one of my own.....but he may have set the mark too high :rolleyes: in regular Greenhornian fashion.

I read his book, and in chapter 6 where it talks about "knowing the secret", I got a little I went over to chapter 9 and read a little on the "proof is in the pudding" and gawked and some pix for inspiration :eek: but did get a little lost in chapter 12 about "let the spanking begin".......meaning literally or figuratively? :confused:
Oh well, I mostly just look at pix anyway, and Lord knows he has plenty of them.

Elky has my pix, and should be sending me a URL soon, and I will get the bruiser on here.
This buck makes my Co buck I posted blush. He has 8 points...........on either side, and a ton of mass. Not sure what he scores but he is definitely the biggest deer I have ever taken at over 300lbs. He is a load.......
:cool: DS
Congrats DS!!! Glad to hear that your living up to your namesake!!!! Can't wait to see the pictures.
Here he is.......
Jeez, I thought you said you killed a big buck! You probably had to wipe the milk off his chin! :D

Just kidding, great buck DS! :eek:

To bad about not finding an elk. I was hoping you'd kill a monster so maybe you'd OWE me! ;) :D


Hey....I do owe you Oak! helped me out, and just because things didn't go well, you got returns coming in spades!......just name what I can ever do to help you and I'm there.
Man, What a nice buck! Congrats! He's a real hog! He doesn't look like a mountain deer because his horns are so light. Did you just kill him recently?
Thanks LB.........and Greenhorn, he really was a brute........hell, I felt like you as I posed over him ;) Yes he was killed recently, as recently as last month, and he may very well be a "mountain deer", but then again, who knows :cool: DS
Great buck Mark, I'm impressed.
How many beers do you think I'd have to buy you before you told me the real story, and where I could find his littel brother ?
MARK.. No prob on that cut/paste job I did on your head !!! LOOKSalmost like a real picture :D :D


-Moosinator say salt makes eating tags taste better?.......cause I got a CO elk tag I have to eat! :mad:

Moosie......damn fine job on the aterations.........coulda made him wider for me though.......and Greenie says you made his horns too light, but other than that, heck of a job!

Thanks Delw and WW.........everybody gets lucky every once in a while.......
Thanks Eric.......and can't wait to meet up with you on the Exotic hunt in a couple of months!

Owl, your right, size doesn't lets talk all these fellas into shooting the smaller bucks.....and leave the bigger ones to roam around ;) ........give us the story and show us what those Washington Muleys look like.

That there is a HOG!!!Congradulations, you sure did live up to your nick name on this one. I just back from my deer hunt in Eastern
Washington. Got a pretty nice 4x5 muley.
He's not near as big as yours, but size isn't
everything!:D:D Anyhoo, I'll post a couple
of pics and a short story soon.:cool: