dropping a $1000 to Colorado this week


New member
Feb 18, 2014
Gtting ready to send in my Colorado license money. First season elk and second season deer. Got few points to burn and decided to spend them this year and not collect anymore Colorado points. The units I choose will not take many if any points to draw so should get my tags.
Good luck to all others in the draw.
i got a new credit card few years back strictly for apps, don't use for anything else.. if I get drawn , I pay the tag off immediattly, if not drawn I let the state put the $ back on the card and pay off the non refundable part. Works out pretty good.
i got a new credit card few years back strictly for apps, don't use for anything else.. if I get drawn , I pay the tag off immediattly, if not drawn I let the state put the $ back on the card and pay off the non refundable part. Works out pretty good.

That's a darn good idea. Then the wife doesn't even need to know about it till you draw.
I just sent New Mexico $800+ last week for license/elk drawing. I won't regret it one bit if I draw :)
I sent Colorado $161 for me and $117 for my wife :D But, I'm going to have to spend more later for OTC and leftovers... I'm gonna be broke :eek:
I just sent New Mexico $800+ last week for license/elk drawing. I won't regret it one bit if I draw :)

Tomorrow I'll be shipping NM $4294...and most likely getting $4255 back.

But - hey - it's 4294 Membership Rewards points, so worth something :)
I envy you guys, I have to worry about foreign currency chargers and exchange rates. Which both add up when applying for WY goat, elk, moose and deer plus points in CO. Not that I'm complaining, worth every penny!
my wife of 4 years new the deal going in ... certain things I don't ask her about ( shopping) and certain things ( hunting costs) that she doesn't mention . We have 0 kids and make a real decent amount of $ and both work hard so , I guess its one of those deals where we kinda let each other do what we want on the $ end, within reason of course .
I applied over the weekend for Colorado deer/elk in unit 40 for the 3rd rifle. I should draw the deer tag with 8 pp and a couple years out on elk with only 5 pp. I haven't applied there since 2012, because of personal reasons. I have a nieces wedding to attend in early Nov in NV and me/wife/kids plan to spend 4-5 days in our old home state while traveling home. Lord willing I will get to hunt from about Nov 8th-12th. Good luck in the draws hunttalkers.
my wife of 4 years new the deal going in ... certain things I don't ask her about ( shopping) and certain things ( hunting costs) that she doesn't mention . We have 0 kids and make a real decent amount of $ and both work hard so , I guess its one of those deals where we kinda let each other do what we want on the $ end, within reason of course .

My wife and I live pretty modestly, but we have an agreement that she doesn't balk on my hunting tags as long as I put her in for hers and points for both of us as well. I love having a wife that hunts. I even have the go ahead for a cow moose hunt in the next couple of years as long as she get to do one a couple of years later :D I haven't hit her with my Alaska plans yet :eek:
I see "dropping a $1,000" and then a reply by Cushman, and I figured this thread could be really wild.

I am sort of disappointed...
My wife and I live pretty modestly, but we have an agreement that she doesn't balk on my hunting tags as long as I put her in for hers and points for both of us as well. I love having a wife that hunts. I even have the go ahead for a cow moose hunt in the next couple of years as long as she get to do one a couple of years later :D I haven't hit her with my Alaska plans yet :eek:

Having a wife that hunts and understands the "drive" and what gets us motivated is paramount, in my opinion. My wife, either unfortunately or fortunately, is a school teacher. I say that it is fortunate that she has a good job, but unfortunate that this doesn't allow for her to go with me on my western forays. I have made an agreement with her that I will hunt with my dad (who turns 71 this May) until she has at least 20 years in. Then she can quit since everything we own will be more than paid off. I have a feeling that the amount I spend on tags/apps will greatly increase when that happens, considering my son will be ready to go too :eek:
It also helps that my wife genuinely likes to eat deer and elk . We haven't bought hamburger at the store in years . We had elk spagetti other day #fabulous .. I used to buy a half of beef cow every fall now I haven't in several years , that 1/2 cow is probably my MT deer/elk tag fee . So point is as long as I comr home from thse trips with atleast a deer she won't say much cuz she knows it's table fair .
Tomorrow I'll be shipping NM $4294...and most likely getting $4255 back.

But - hey - it's 4294 Membership Rewards points, so worth something :)

Don't most cards then deduct the points for any credits? I know my cards do that.
Don't most cards then deduct the points for any credits? I know my cards do that.

That's how it is with mine and I assume all are like that.

I liked Wyoming better when they did the refund checks.
That's how it is with mine and I assume all are like that.

I liked Wyoming better when they did the refund checks.

As a complete Mileage/Travel geek, I'm embarrassed that I didn't realize that. I know it happens for 'regular' returns of goods, etc, but for some reason assumed that this would be different. I don't know about Amex specifically since they don't have a detailed breakdown of point-by-point transactions, but sure enough on my Visa, I can confirm this happened last year.

Well Sh*t, I guess I'll take the 39 Amex points from NM and be happy :) Or be even happier if they don't refund any of my money :)

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