Yeti GOBOX Collection

Don't Miss it -- on TV


New member
Apr 6, 2005
On the Journal of the Texas Trophy Hunters TV Show episode first airing Tuesday July 27, High Roller will be darted, semen extracted, and will measure over 377 on the Boone and Crocket, with 44 scorable points.

MOre info: Texas BUCK Semen Extraction
Sorry Pedro,

I checked my calender and looks like I have something more important to do that day then to watch this informative show. Sounds impressive however, and a show few "real hunters" will miss.
"semen extracted"....brings horn porn to a brand new level :rolleyes:

....maybe I'll just wait for the video to hit the shelves of the local
deer hunting/smut shop .....
I worked for an Oilman by the name of John Franks once, he owned more Racing Horses than anyone in the world at one time. Anyway, one of his farms was north of the city and it had a 2 1/2 mile lake on it, which I fished regularly. One day I am putting the boat back on the trailer and one of the "hands" comes up and we start talking. Guess what his job was? Every couple of days he had to check the sperm count on those Studs! WHERE do you find someone who is willing every couple of days to Jerk a stud horse off? What do you do put a poster of a Mare on the stall wall?

You should watch a horse or any other animal get it's seman collected. It's interesting to say the least. My dad's thesis for his M. S. involved heat stress on boar sperm. Very comical to watch a pig mount a thing that looked like a pommel horse in gymnastics, and then jerk off in a jar. A lot of animal breeding is now done A. I. and frozen sperm is bought and sold like any other commodity. It's a lot cheaper to buy top shelf genetics sperm for $100 a shot then to own the million dollar bull or stallion.

I don't have a problem with this with domesticated animals. When we're talking "wildlife", I draw the line there, expecially when the most desired genetic trait is antler mass. Marv's right when said "this brings horn porn to a brand new level".
I had the opportunity to be the rod-man for a bison semen collection once (basically I made sure the electro-probe didn't come shooting out when the charge was released). You should see a bison in a squeeze shoot react when a few hundred volts are released from a 18" probe stuck up it's ass. :eek: Good resume stuff. :rolleyes:

Good to see stuff like this on a hunting show. :rolleyes:
Watch it mtmiller you might be getting moosie excited between that visual and the sheep pics ;)

Paul- I worked on the "giving" side of AI for awhile when I was in high school.
Picked up a few hours each breeding season on one of the local ranches helping to put the juice to his cattle.

Nothing like being up past the elbow in some bovine and running the shoot tube down your forearm to "deliver the load." Least I didn't have to whisper sweet nothings in their ears to get em' to like it ;)
:eek: MTMiller, you didn't sneak that high-voltage probe home with you by chance??

For the best results, use the probe while in the hot tub. You'll get a real charge out of it.


I never was an A. I. stud. Held a tail or two on a ornery dairy cow for the boss while he dropped the load. Good work experience for high schooler. You were breeding beef cattle, correct?
BHR- Mainly polled Herefords he also ran a small herd of Charolais....they all looked/smelled/felt the same at that end.... ;)
Thanks Cali...glad you cleared that up ;) other wise I might have had to ask mtmiller to send his probe out.... :D