Yeti GOBOX Collection

Do me a favor, please

Thanks for the reminder. I will call my other daughter by first marriage. She's in Baltimore. We usually only connect on birthdays etc. Haven't seen her going on thirteen years. Or her kids. I have yet to see my great grandkids.

My other daughter lives a couple blocks away. Don't know when I last gave her a hug or told her I love her. I guess we see too much of each other and take our relationship for granted. Sad but it happens.

I haven't been by to see my wife and son for several months. Nice day for it. The floral wreath on their stone is getting quite weathered. The stores have reopened so maybe I'll give my daughter my credit card and she can pick up another one. She likes fiddling with flowers. Gets that from her mom.
Thanks for the call out. I spend as much time, with all the kids that I can. My home, my yard is a park land for kids. Each Friday night we get one for a sleep over.

This just happened

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Seems a lot of fun there!
Hah, hah! That brings back memories. Also more than one hunting dog puppy tearing through the house with a train of toilet paper in tow. "Don't leave the roll on back of toilet. Put it on the roller!" My last grandkid just passed this stage. No more puppies in my future either. Sad. It flies by so fast!
I'll be spending time with our grandson 💙, he's 4. He lives with us so we're blessed to have him near. Granddaughter lives next door. Already teaching grandson to shoot his bb gun n shoot a bow n arrow. He loves to practice casting his fish pole with a bolt tied to the line.
Take one make one folks
It's been one of those weeks here. A friend of our family lost their 2 yr old to a hand gun accident. Guys lock your guns!!
Thankfully my brood is just fine, but the reality of bad things happening to good people is hitting pretty close to home tonight.
My oldest son is currently in Montana with his BLM crew. They have been at the Devil's creek fire, Taylor fire and the Eagle Butte fire.
Spoke with him yesterday and he was beat because of course they have been working their tails off. But he absolutely loves the work.
Thankfully we've had very few fires in NV so far this year. (y)
Momma is at a church women’s retreat (6 month’s prego with a player to be named later) so this stud and I are at home with no adult supervision.

Hard to believe he’ll be 3 in December. Been way to fast.

I think tomorrow we’ll head to the hills for a hike. Maybe find some bugs, or a frog if we get lucky.


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My youngest son died on January 17th. It was suddenly and completely unexpected. Many times I've thought about how lucky I was to have spent that morning with him, we shoveled snow together and watched sports on the TV, it had been a good morning. I'm also so glad that he was an organ donor and some of his organs went to help others. I don't mean to be depressing in telling this, but it hopefully emphasizes the message of this thread.
My youngest son died on January 17th. It was suddenly and completely unexpected. Many times I've thought about how lucky I was to have spent that morning with him, we shoveled snow together and watched sports on the TV, it had been a good morning. I'm also so glad that he was an organ donor and some of his organs went to help others. I don't mean to be depressing in telling this, but it hopefully emphasizes the message of this thread.
Very sorry to hear. My condolences
Ima give her an extra hug and an extra rib! Family is ALWAYS First. I try to relish and make the most of every moment with this little girl. Thanks as always for the reminder that nothing is permanent and you damn well better make the most of the present!


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My youngest son died on January 17th. It was suddenly and completely unexpected. Many times I've thought about how lucky I was to have spent that morning with him, we shoveled snow together and watched sports on the TV, it had been a good morning. I'm also so glad that he was an organ donor and some of his organs went to help others. I don't mean to be depressing in telling this, but it hopefully emphasizes the message of this thread.
Don’t be afraid to share this stuff. We are all in life together. Sorry to hear about your son. Glad you had that morning together.