PEAX Equipment

DNA testing shed antler

No deer farms. Just amazing genetics. There have been 3- 194 inch plus deer killed(that I know of) within a 2 mile radius of the farm I killed him on in the last 5 years.

Last fall was the first season I had this farm to myself. He showed up in late August. Definitely a wild deer....there were several disappointed hunters when they heard he had been killed.

The deer pretty much winter on this farm every other year due to crop rotation. So I don't have his sheds from last year. Although my knees hurt from looking for them this year. Can't quit thinking about them potentially laying out there somewhere.
Yeah that’s great . Sounds like you got a great thing going
that’s a stud at 4 1/2
I’m with you on the miles looking for sheds.but I’m rehabbing knee surgery at the same time. I pulled my cameras today and had a buck on it last night still carrying both sides