Yeti GOBOX Collection

DIY Sitka Blacktail


New member
Oct 13, 2010
Looking to get some insight on an Alaska DIY Blacktail hunt from some folks who have done it. Right now I am looking at Prince of Whales Island as the spot to go hunt. I like the idea of not having brown bears on the island to deal with! Looking at archery but if needed may do rifle.

So for those who have done this hunt what were your lessons learned or what are your recommendations as first timers up there. We are first timers for Alaska but we are by no means new to back country hunting. We are from New Mexico and hunt hard so a tough hunt is not discouraging for us. We have good equipment to spike camp if needed and what not.

We appreciate any input you have for us! Thank you in advance.

I investigated this some but never followed through. Top notch rain gear is a must. It was recommended by a hunter on here that I respect, to stay away from breathable fabric because it will eventually soak through. Its also hard to get dried out at the end of the day. Good luck, I'll be following this thread.
I did this hunt with fellas I met on this board, they may chime in as well.
Take fishing gear. Waterproof rain gear, not resistant or any of the other phrases they like to use. I took Helly and only got wet from the inside out. I took 2 pairs of boots for hiking and a 3rd for water- fishing. Shot gun if you like wing shooting. Any place the locals mention probably gets pounded. Any place within a mile of a road probably gets pounded twice.
If you have never been to Alaska, consider the ferry from Ketchikan or a private boat, otherwise, flying makes more sense. We went with one of the places that rents a room, truck and boat for about $1200 per person/per week. I would definitely do that again to cut down on gear.
Groceries on the island are expensive. Fuel is expensive.
Thank you for all the insight. It is always good to have a few folks to give feedback that have been there and done that already! Sounds like proper rain gear is a must, which I was expecting. Having been stationed in WA state as a Marine I know all too well about the rain. I know Rivers West makes some really nice rain gear. I visited their facility over in the Seattle area and that fleece with rubber is super nice, I know it doesn’t breathe a bit though. I am focusing on trying to do this archery so not sure if the weather will be as bad then versus the later hunts. Obviously will still plan on rain!

Nick, was looking at one of those DIY hunting lodges actually. I think if four of us went up they would give us a 4wd vehicle and a weeks stay in the lodge for about $1,100. I am focusing in on Prince of Whales island just so we don’t have to deal with brown bears only black.

Again I sure do appreciate all the insight. I am all about listening to others to see what did and didn’t work for them in regards to gear/hunts/lodges etc!
A buddy and I are planning the same hunt right now for 2019. Not sure of Island choice yet, not, complete DIY. From what I’ve calculated the cost difference between a boat/lodge self guided hunt vs a traditional DIY, is about $1500. With as unpredictable as AK can be, I’m boring the $1500 as insurance.

FWIW, I hunted Kodiak two years ago out of a lodge. No guide, just dropped off by boat in the morning and picked up in the evening; I was solo while hunting. Price was reasonable and it sure was nice to get back to a warm lodge and dinner waiting. I wore sitka stormfront rain gear and stayed dry.