Dip and pack shipping issues


Well-known member
Sep 11, 2020
I'm trying to get my African trophies shipped and have run into a major snag. Last time I had the taxidermist over there tan my kudu cape and wildebeest back skin. The plan was for my daughter to mount the kudu as a showroom piece. That didn't work. They sent me someone else's wildebeest and some of the hair slipped on the kudu cape. So this time I ordered sable and kudu capes "dip and pack." They come here preserved but not tanned. Problem is special handling and inspections are required by Agriculture dept inspectors at the landing airport and then again at certified taxidermist or tannery. Becoming certified is a major headache up here. The tannery in Winnipeg wants $500 up front to pay for prepping the building and paying the inspector. He also said his experience with African dip and pack stuff is not great. I have heard this before.

Has anyone else had experience with this? It looks like there's less hassles shipping dip and pack to US facilities. Tannery in Great Falls that is presently doing a muley cape for us says they can take them. Anyone have advise on which broker to use?
I would go the Africahunting.com , someone on that site should be able to answer your questions.
I know this post is like 2 years old, but I just saw it and wanted to chime in. Shipping African trophies can be a major headache, huh? It's like trying to transport a car to another state, except the car is a dead animal! LOL.
Anyway, I haven't personally shipped dip and pack stuff from Africa, but I have shipped cars and other stuff with Shipaa. They're pretty legit, and they have some good tips on their site about how to prepare your items for shipping. Might be worth checking out if you haven't already.
As for the tannery in Winnipeg wanting $500 up front, that's a pretty steep price. Maybe you could try finding a certified taxidermist or tannery closer to home?
The problem is Canadian regs have become a big hassle. The hoops the tannery has to jump through before a crate can even be opened are quite onerous.

Best solution is to get capes tanned over there and shipped to taxidermist here. As tanned stuff it usually floats through customs without an ag dept inspection. Up here anyway. Taxidermist can rehydrate the tanned capes when he's ready to work on them. Also, tanned capes can be bagged and shipped in an ordinary box/crate. Dip and pack requires special leak proof containers = $$$.
I know this post is like 2 years old, but I just saw it and wanted to chime in. Shipping African trophies can be a major headache, huh? It's like trying to transport a car to another state, except the car is a dead animal! LOL.
Anyway, I haven't personally shipped dip and pack stuff from Africa, but I have shipped cars and other stuff with Shipaa. They're pretty legit, and they have some good tips on their site about how to prepare your items for shipping. Might be worth checking out if you haven't already.
As for the tannery in Winnipeg wanting $500 up front, that's a pretty steep price. Maybe you could try finding a certified taxidermist or tannery closer to home?
"They're pretty legit".

2 posts from a new guy and both contain embedded links. Nope.

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