Delw Important !!!!!


New member
Oct 16, 2001
Mesa, Arizona
PLease delete the thread Elk Snot for me. Calif Hunter pointed out they are exploiting people with birth defects. I want no part of a website or have links to promote that kind of shit.
I deleted for you, Amberjack. (Since it was your topic.) Like I said, I thought the hairy guy posing was funny. But then when I saw the other pictures of unfortunate people, it depressed me and frankly made me a little mad to see some of the other pictures making fun of them. But then, I was always the kid getting in fights, sticking up for the little kid getting picked on. :D
Thanks Calif Hunter as a parent of a special needs child (as is Del) I hate see that kind of crap. Thanks again, I owe ya one.
My twin girls were born with club feet (all 4 feet) and we went through 16 or 17 years of casts, therapy and surgery - so I'm a little sensitive about such things myself.
My son was born 1lb-11oz and has a variety of problems, He is 19 now and does pretty good, but still has his moments (teenage crap)
Iknew there was always something I liked about you.
Beside being hard fighting like your moniker, you have a heart of gold also

My grandson is Autistic and I know what it takes to love someone with a disability, even though his mother disappeared and took both of the kids with her, my wife and I still love them all.