Deer trapping

Idaho Ron

New member
Dec 24, 2000
southern Id
Here are some pictures I took Today while I was deer trapping. We put radios on the adult does, and did other tests on the fawns. The last deer of the day kicked my A$$! I grabbed the doe in the net and lost my hold. She started to kick the crap out of me until another guy landed on her. None of these pictures are of me. We collared 30 adult does and I don't know how many fawns were trapped. I am beat I am going to bed. Ron






Looks like you all worked very hard... except the guy in the brown hat. He's smilin' too much like he's really enjoying laying on top that doe...which, by the way, seems to be very large bodied. I'd watch him.. What do you figure those gals weighed?

We were calling it Idaho loven. The guy in the hat is a BIG guy. I would say he is in the 220 to 250 range. We never weighed the adult does but the fawns were 82 to 92 pounds. We never caught a adult buck. The chopper took them out before they got to us. I had to hold the back feet on several deer. Today my arms feel like they were ripped out. Ron
There is a long drawn out explanation. The basic is this is a state wide study on predation. 600 animals state wide will be wearing a collar for this study. Ron