NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Deep Freezer


Aug 20, 2016
@ 7500' Colorado
Figure enough guys on here have freezers so maybe someone can tell me my problem. I have a Kenmore Elite chest deep freeze. It's a good size unit, something like 21cubic ft. Anyway last fall on really hot days the freezer would creep up in temp. It's in the garage. Never gets above say 10 but I keep it at -5. Now that we are getting some warm days again I've noticed it again. Only a few degrees though because it's not been to hot. The unit is about 12yrs old and I've never had a lick of trouble. I'm trying to figure out if it's worth a $200 service call on a 12yr old freezer. I've been told Freon doesn't wear out only leaks out and if it has a leak it's not worth fixing. Anyway anyone been in this boat? Leaving for Idaho spring bear and hopefully returning with my first ever bear meat to freeze!
I have a freezer that that was over 15 years when we kept it in the garage when we lived in Ls Vegas and never had that problem. During our summers it would get to over 120 degrees inside the garage. I still have the freezer and it is now over 29 years old and still works perfectly. The best part is that it was free.
It seems like a lot of $$ when freezers can be bought so cheaply at yards sales and on craigslist.
Try pulling it away from the wall and cleaning the coils. Dirt, cobwebs, animal hair, etc., all build up and reduce efficiency.
That'd make me worry. How hot is it getting in the garage? I can't imagine it's getting above 60's this time of year in your garage at that elevation. Shouldn't be tracking outside temps in that situation.
Not an expert, but have fixed my water heater, washer, dryer, and Ford Focus.
Have you tried the Google? sometimes it's a common problem that somebody has posted a fix for. If it's nothing obvious, on something that new (with all those mysterious electronics), I doubt there's much you can do but replace. A new freezer is probably going to be a bit more efficient and cost only about $100 more than the service call.
At the very least, I'd invest in a freezer alarm. something like this could save a lot of game
Try pulling it away from the wall and cleaning the coils. Dirt, cobwebs, animal hair, etc., all build up and reduce efficiency.

definitely start with this, and also make sure the lid gasket is clean, pliable, and sealing properly.
Started with Google. Couldn't find what I'm experiencing.
Gasket is good. Checked with a flashlight inside.
Coils are inside the walls. Can't get dirty.
Replacement cost is about $600. At least that's what I paid for this one. It's big.
Also it's got a built in alarm so I'm good there.

Trying figure out if it's true about the coolent doesn't wear out theory.
Has it been defrosted recently? Full of ice?

Refrigerant does not wear out. Leaks will eventually result in a non-functional unit. A compressor on the way out might result in your symptoms though.
Talk to a friend of a friend and it sounds like I have a small leak. He said toss it! Not worth trying to fix! Sad. Guess I'm in the market for a new one.

Seen Sears have refurbished ones at significant savings. Anyone bought a refurb freezer?

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