Date Night

Pucky Freak

Well-known member
Mar 4, 2019
Back when my wife and I were engaged we decided that date night would continue after the I Do’s. At first this was easy, but now with 3 kids it’s a lot more challenging. COVID meant no babysitter for a year, and we adapted by having extra family nights instead but we missed our adult time. My wife is a stay-at-home mom and homeschool teacher and true breaks for her are few and far between. We have a babysitter now that is comfortable with being alone with our 1-year-old twins who have special needs, so date night has resumed! If we’re lucky, that means one night a month as long as everyone is healthy and no other wrenches mess up our plans.

Usually for date night we pick something my wife enjoys, but a couple Fridays ago when I got home from work she suggested we take the canoe out. She then laughed saying she hasn’t seen my eyes light up like that in a long time. She is more of a dinner and movie type, so this was a very generous offer.

After loading everything up, including a last-minute decision to toss a rod and a can of worms in the truck bed, swung by the local burger joint for a quick bite and some adult drinks, and then we were off to the lake.

No wind whatsoever, no biting insects, and a warm evening made for a perfect night on a glassy bay in the canoe. As the sun was setting the fish started top-feeding like crazy and my wife told me to cast where the fish were breaching. I just had a plain hook and a worm with me but it didn’t matter, fish were hitting left and right, including a walleye! I wasn’t even aware the lake had any. The last fish was a big carp which I was going to let go but my wife insisted we keep, so I said what the heck I’ll learn how to fillet and cook the thing. She wanted to keep fishing as the action was hot but I said we better get back home, the babysitter is waiting. Fun night! I have a wonderful wife.

Carp was not too bad - scaled and took y-bones out, the used Bangladeshi spices and stewed with chopped onions. All our kids enjoyed eating it.
Wife and I are 34 years on and Friday night date night has been here forever, even now while 2300 miles from our sons and grandson. Friday night is still date night
Thats awesome. We are same boat - 5 kids, wife stay at home/homeschool. I work and do other activities. We try to do a date night 1-2 times per month minimum. Especially sucks with no family in the state we are in now - and during covid no baby sitters. We've been trying to be out more as we can but need to get back to doing it more frequently and same - my wife likes dinner and a movie - I'd rather do some activity or even just go for dinner and drinks. Its all good though - sounds like a fantastic evening for you guys!

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