danner full curl reviews?


Jul 1, 2012
I just recently tried on these boots and was suprised at how good they felt. Not sure if they will hold up as well as some of these higher priced boots. Wondering if anyone has tried these? I am on year 7 in my kenetreks and they now leak. Ive gotten my use out of them for sure and they for the most part have been bulletproof until now. just thinking of other options. are these even comparable?
I would strongly recommend you stay away from Danner. I bought a pair of Quarry work boots from them. These were $250 boots and keep in mind these are supposed to be the high quality USA made Danners. 1st pair the tread on the heal separated from the boot after 2 days. Exchanged them for the second pair which lasted 2 weeks before the stitching came apart on the front of the left boot. Exchanged them for a 3rd pair which leaked the first day I had them. I took them back to the store an asked for a refund. They politely informed me that if I wanted a refund I would need to go through Danner, but they would be happy to exchange them. Fine, I go home and contact Danner, who tells me that they will repair or replace them, but no refund. I tell them 3 strikes your out, I want my money back. They tell me there is nothing they can do. So I box them up again, go back to the store and throw an absolute %$!# fit and refuse to leave until I talk with a manager. After 10 minutes of arguing with the manager they agree to give me my money back only after I remind them that I spend hundreds every month at their store on feed and would be taking my business elsewhere unless they made me happy. Sorry for the long winded explanation, but I would avoid them.

For what you would spend on the Danner Full Curls, you could get into the Cabelas Meindl's. I believe the Perfekt hunters are $280 and the Alaska Hunters are $329. I have both and have been incredibly happy with them. They are a very rugged and durable boot, and Cabela's has a great warranty on them.

Hope this helps.
I am also in the market for some new boots. I did look at some Danner Pronghorn boots but I am hesitant to buy Danners since only a few of them are made in the U.S. Most of their boots are made in china.
You can google which Danner boots are made in America.
I left 2 pairs of Danners (1 cheap and another expensive) in the dumpster in East Glacier after 10 days in the backcountry. I tried out several pairs of boots and chose Meindl Denali from Cabelas for $299. They have been worn daily for the last 9 months
I have found Danner soles don't grip well in slippery conditions IMHO. I used to wear just Danner until I took a spill in my own driveway that made me have shoulder surgery. No more Danner's for me.

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