Dad throws log at thieving bear, killing it


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2005
Hastings, MN
Dad throws log at thieving bear, killing it
Associated Press

Last update: June 22, 2007 – 11:54 AM

HELEN, Ga. — A bear snatched a family's cooler from their campsite in a national forest in northern Georgia and was taking its loot back into the woods when Chris Everhart's six-year-old son threw a shovel at the animal.

Everhart says the 300 pound bear started charging, so he grabbed the first thing he could find, which happened to be a log from the family's firewood.

Everhart lobbed the chunk of wood, hitting the bear in the head and killing it. :cool:

The close call earned Everhart, a former Marine, bragging rights -- and a ticket. Park authorities say he didn't properly secure his campsite.
Nice toss! To bad those park authorities are such a joke. Protecting your family and you get a ticket. Should have fed a park ranger to the bear instead. My thoughts.
maybe they are using the term "log" and "thrown" loosely and it was an arrow launched by a bow.... :rolleyes:
I had a friend have a neighbors dog bit his other neighbors dog (Big Rotwieler V's a 5 # dog. The dog had first gone after the kids and switched when the little mutt came out. My buddy cracked it on the head 6 times with a 6' 4x4 post and the dog was Bleeding from it's Mouth and nose and ears. He swung as hard as he could but couldn't get it to let the little dog go (Untill it was in 2 pieces).

Animals are tough, I'm calling BS on the one hit, one kill deal, but then again, I've seen tough guys go down in UFC with the right (Or wrong for them) punch to the chin. But not die.

Wierd story, and dumb ending ...... Interesting :D
I dont know, you hit a snapping turtle in the right spot it will be stone cold dead without moving. Just have to be the right spot i guess.
I've seen a cow die from a rock thrown and hit in the head. Then I saw a young steer we were going to butcher hold up to 2 .270 in the head at 20 feet. Weird stuff, i never call anyones bluff anymore to many strange things out there, it does sound a little out there though
Grandpa was fixing fince once, and had an onery steer that came bouncing across the pasture with his head down at him. He turned and wapped him on the meon with a hammer and kill him deader than hell. Pop the right point and it could happen!! LIL
I've seen a cow die from a rock thrown and hit in the head. Then I saw a young steer we were going to butcher hold up to 2 .270 in the head at 20 feet. Weird stuff, i never call anyones bluff anymore to many strange things out there, it does sound a little out there though

Yeah my buddy shot a small bull he was fixing to take to the butcher right in the head with a 30-06 at close range and the F#%king thing stumbled but looked like it was ready to stomp us!!!!!WTF!!! He shot him a second time and he dropped like a ton of chit!!! I guess you mostly hear about the die hard stories and not the ones that die easy!

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