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Cruz will win Utah

My guess is that Cruz leading in Utah has more to do with him being the most conservative candidate than his stance on public land. Utah is one of the more conservative states.

I usually find myself going with a conservative candidate, but I couldn't support Cruz because of his stance on public lands. I wish more people would wise up to what he and many others are trying to do with OUR public lands.
Well we'll see how much influence Don Peay has in Utah. He's supporting and promoting Trump.
Trump is projected to win the winner take all state of Arizona (58 delegates) on the same night. Which is 18 more delegates than Cruz could get in Utah (40 delegates).

If Trump and Kasich can limit Cruz to less than 50% of the vote, then Utah is a winning loss for Cruz. If Cruz gets more than 50% of the vote, then he takes all 40 of the delegates and you can chalk it up as a great victory. This is one of the states that Kasich hurts Cruz. Kasich took the initiative and went to Southern Utah and will take some of the vote.

If you look at the remaining states, Cruz's only hope is a Trump slip up leading to a brokered convention.

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