Caribou Gear

Crossing Water


New member
May 23, 2016
Hello All,

Curious how everyone handles water crossings? Do you walk through with your boots, go barefoot or have a pair of hip waders? New to back country hunting and curious how everyone approaches this since I am sure you are bound to run into it from time to time.

I have done a lot of it. Unless its splashing through a stream that is no higher than ankle deep (my boots are waterproof to the top) i take them off and cross barefoot at a safe place to do so. Another thing I learned in the scouts is to always release the waist belt before crossing so that you can more easily dump the pack in the event you go down.
We used to stash black garbage bags at the creek crossing. Worked real good till we stepped on a sharp rock....
Depends on the depth, but with rain pants, gaiters, tightly laced boots and go fast... I'll cross up to knee deep as long as its not more than a couple 4-5 steps. Otherwise I take off the boots and go barefoot, or use glacier socks/slip on hip "boots."
I to have felt the quick contraction of my pelvic muscles when my bare feet hit ice water. It's a good substitute for morning coffee. It's also better than slick, blistered and soggy feet.
I usually find a place I can cross with the boots and gaitors. If I know Im in a area with a deeper creek crossing I carry a set of Wiggys Waders.
I do a lot of walking in the backcountry, but when I come to a water crossing where my boots will get wet, I put a foot in the stirrup, and ride across!

I've been on trails in wilderness areas that are so popular, I've seen people that have abandoned, or otherwise left flip flops and cheap tennis shoes at river crossings that were thigh deep, fast moving ice cold water, and no shortage of sharp rocks waiting for a tender sole to come step on them!

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