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Dec 1, 2009
Is anyone doing this and if so what are your thoughts on it. Is it good for cardio? And how is it on your joints? Just wondering thinking about joining the crossfit gym here, just want to see what others think about it I know it's the new big workout.
I doubt many workouts will get you in better shape. That being said its high impact and several of my friends have suffered long term injury as a result but any high impact exercise carries risks.
Is anyone doing this and if so what are your thoughts on it. Is it good for cardio? And how is it on your joints? Just wondering thinking about joining the crossfit gym here, just want to see what others think about it I know it's the new big workout.

I'm a Crossfit junkie. 2 years of 5 days a week with 2 of those days 2 times a day. I have had 4 left shoulder surgeries and one right shoulder. My coach has me modify anything over heard to that I still strengthen them but have a way less risk of hurting them. If you got a good coach who caters your workout to you then it can/will limit the chances of injury.
Crossfit is not for everyone though. It's hard, and if most of the lifts are done not properly then you stand a huge chance of injury. You do a lot of Olympic lifts that if not done right you'll really jack yourself up. IMO if you have a good coach then you shouldn't have as much to worry about.
As far as cardio, it's hard to find something better. You are always moving. It's up to you on how hard you want to go and how far you want to push yourself. I don't really stop, if I'm out of breath I take a step back, take a couple of deep breaths, then hit it again.
My wife isn't very athletic, she started crossfit after our 3rd daughter. She started off slow and now is in fantastic shape. It's about what you want to get out of it. Push yourself and you'll see results.
I know of more than a few people, very educated in human exercise and physical issues, who do not recommend crossfit. They damn near killed a kid down in the Bitterroot last year. The exercises are not designed for the individual, nor are they designed by people who know what they're doing.

IMO, the risk of long-term injury is too great.
I did crosfit for quiet a while. No doubt its a great excercise program. Got in fantastic shape. The problem I had with crossfit were the people that do crossfit. They tend to be a bit cult-ish in my opinion. It gets kind of obnoxious hearing them preach crossfit over and over and act like if you dont do the WOD(Work Out of the Day) you are some kind of poop bird. That attitude migrated me away from it and now I find myself doing variations of the excercises and my own WOD.
CrossFit has been good for me. The owners of the local gym are really cool and the WODs are pretty tough. I'm not the fittest there by any means but I like it. Often I taylor the WODs to fit me whether its the weight or the reps. I would rather row than run and they are ok with that, most often. Ali, the owner, likes to push me. She knows how important hunting is to me so she tries to get me running all the time.

Who cares what others think, my skin is pretty thick. Make CrossFit work for you.

The 30 minute workouts, sometimes less, kick my butt more than anything I would do on my own.
I started Crossfit a little over 2 months ago. Dropped 2 inches from my waist, added a bunch of muscle, and feel in better shape now than I ever have. I guess our box is lucky that everyone gets along, motivates each other and arent a bunch of "poop birds" LOL

Start slow, modify the WODs accordingly. You will definitely get as much back or more than you put in. Take a good multi vitamin and a fish oil capsule a day, and drink LOTS of water.

DO IT!!!! 1....2.......3......IMUA!!!!!!!!!
I haven't done Crossfit but know 2 women who do it religiously. They are very fit but are fanatics about it. I can't say my knees can take it so I stay away. I did do a modified version P90X and had a lot of success but Montana made beer offset most of it. I start another round today.
I just started the X factor ST workout DVD by Weider. It's around 30 minutes in the morning and have modified exercises to help you work into it. You do it for 3 days a week and the other 2 in between you do some sort of your own cardio for 30 minutes.

I just started week 2 so hopefully when I finish on week 8 I have lost a little weight and have gotten in better shape. I started this program mostly because my sister wrote this work out. She is a personal trainer in Utah. It's costs only around
I have a Crossfit t-shirt and a free membership to Haven't done any of the workouts yet but I really like the shirt.
Ah, the yearly 'does this workout make my ass look big' thread.:D

Hahaha now that's good. I workout at home but am having a hard time staying motivated and keeping with it. Just wanted to see what everyone else thought of crossfit thought it would get me back in the mindset to go to the gym everyday again and push myself. Sounds intense and maybe I can go beast mode instead of least mode. Lol
Not currently doing Crossfit, and I never will. >>>Change up some, and take your workout outside of the home one day a week. Chop wood. Run or jog or bike or mt bike or hit the pool mhungerford, and you will be fine, imho.
note: Crossfit is a good workout, it does cure some of the burnout blues of home gyms and same routines, but it is just another workout routine.
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I'm stilling just jogging. Got in 40 miles last week and am up to 1,250 miles on the year so far. Down 35lbs from my peak weight a year and a half ago and in probably the best shape of my life.
Well, I guess I will through my 2 cents in. I have been doing Crossfit for a few years now. What to look for is a gym full of positive supportive people, that will make it a lot more fun when you go. The great thing about Crossfit is that it can be scaled to your personal physical situation. When talking with a coach, explain to them what your goals are and they should be able to help you. My gym is great that I go to, great coaches and great people that are fun to work out with. I have lost weight, (would be more, but can't live with out the beer now and then) and I definitely have gotten stronger and have increased my endurance. I would say try it and if it doesn't seem the right program for you, do something else.