Crossbow or Compound?

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You wont get much more than sarcasm on this forum when it comes to a crossbow.
Public hunter: You got a problem with old folks? See my signature line;)
I think we should allow firearms in archery season...that way nobody that has a bad back, missing a hand, is old, fat, weak, not a good shot with a bow, etc. will all be on a level playing field. We wouldn't want to exclude anyone from being able to participate.

BTW, I think the NBA is a joke and discriminates big time since they don't give special privileges and the lower the bar to allow wheel chairs, short folk, fat guys, 70 year olds, those with no talent, etc. etc. a chance.

How unfair of the NBA.
You wont get much more than sarcasm on this forum when it comes to a crossbow.
Public hunter: You got a problem with old folks? See my signature line;) Let me rephrase..."Hunters that can no longer hold the string back" :)

In MN I believe anyone can use one over a gun in the gun season as well, not sure why you would, but I believe it's an option.
The main advantage of the crossbow is that deer won't bust you while drawing. The down side is that they are awkward to carry and can be noisy. They are getting better all the time, though, and I would like to have the top-end Excaliber.
I think we should allow firearms in archery season...that way nobody that has a bad back, missing a hand, is old, fat, weak, not a good shot with a bow, etc. will all be on a level playing field. We wouldn't want to exclude anyone from being able to participate.

BTW, I think the NBA is a joke and discriminates big time since they don't give special privileges and the lower the bar to allow wheel chairs, short folk, fat guys, 70 year olds, those with no talent, etc. etc. a chance.

How unfair of the NBA.

Odds are my sons will kill a deer with a crossbow before they do so with a bow, as they'll be able to shoot a legal one of the former before the latter. It's legal here and there's not been any negative impacts. I do recognize though that here is different than most places that get attention on this forum.

Given the OP, I'd take the compound. I like hunting/shooting with them more which is part almost garantee's I'll have more fun, which is generally how I define a successful hunting trip!
I could see a crossbow being very useful in certain situations. An example is some private land that I have permission to hunt, but the landowner will only allow archery equipment. The property consists of a couple of small parcels, with one being only 40 acres and the other a couple hundred. This is timberland, with adjacent farm land and a few houses scattered around. The only way to hunt these areas is with the use of ground blinds or tree stands. I've never used a crossbow but it seems to me that it would be easier to get a shot off with less movement and therefore less chance of a deer seeing movement before the shot. Also, my blind is small enough that to shoot my bow I need to get on my knees and when I draw back, my elbow is pushing against the back of the blind. A crossbow wouldn't require that much room and I could shoot while sitting on my stool. So I guess my vote would be for the crossbow.
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Let me start out by saying that when it comes to rifle season, I use a gun and I use a compound bow during archery season. I've owned a crossbow before and sold it... I would choose compound unless I was physically incapable of pulling back a compound bow.

Some of the states which I hunt don't allow the use of a crossbow during the regular archery season. It's the same reason why I use fixed blade broad heads without lighted nocks. I surely don't want to mess with the recipe after its been perfected (or start making tweaks to my bow when it's shooting well). It's easier to become proficient on one set up (compound) versus trying to be proficient on two (crossbow & compound). Because my free time is limited, I decided to stick with one setup...compound was an easy decision for me!
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I feel like the pressure and expansion of crossbow use by able bodied hunters during the archery season is primarily driven by the hunting industry trying to sell more stuff, and I don't support it.

If you have an injury or for some medical reason cannot draw a bow, fine, but to open it to everyone, just because, seems off to me. In the mean time, if it is what you want to do, and it is legal, have at it.

To the OP, why do you ask?
I think we should allow firearms in archery season...that way nobody that has a bad back, missing a hand, is old, fat, weak, not a good shot with a bow, etc. will all be on a level playing field. We wouldn't want to exclude anyone from being able to participate.

BTW, I think the NBA is a joke and discriminates big time since they don't give special privileges and the lower the bar to allow wheel chairs, short folk, fat guys, 70 year olds, those with no talent, etc. etc. a chance.

How unfair of the NBA.

This post gives very solid credence to a previous opinion that you are nothing more than a big mouthed, sarcastic, homophobic bigot! Pathetic excuse for an adult human! !:mad:
Hey, why stop at crossguns, theres plenty of people we'll exclude if we don't allow rifles and muzzleloaders in archery seasons.

Try to think of the intent of bowhunting....if you can.
It seems this is getting a bit off topic. I thought it was a question of what a person wound prefer, if the goal was to put meat in the freezer. Why the debate on why crossbows should or should not be legal? Also, why are some calling them "crossguns?" That sounds retarded.

By the way, the rumor is that here in Washington, this year crossbows will FINALLY be allowed during the "modern firearm" season. I think it's way overdue and I appreciate having the option. I don't yet own a crossbow but probably will in the future.
I hunt Wisconsin

Crossbows were legalized here this year and the Crossbow Revolution is in full swing. If you havn't shot the newest offerings from TenPoint such as the Stealth SS, you wouldn't understand how fast, light, balanced and small they have become. They are killing machines. There is no way that a compound can out do one of these new xbows. My problem is at 55 years old is that I still shoot a Mathews but my success has drastically dropped since my younger years. I have lost confidence in my bow skills, even though I am still abled. My hunting group consists of 5 guys and we hunt 360 acres. Three of them will be hunting with crossbows next year. The other bow guy is only 21 and Testosterone dictates his use of a Compound. Why would so many guys be dumping their bows for crossbows, coincidence? I THINK NOT! Could it be that they all realize that the x bow is a Superior hunting weapon? At my age, I need to put some meat in the freezer and some Bucks on the wall. I have experienced the ups and downs of bow hunting for over 30 years. Perhaps it is time for a change.
Crossbows were legalized here this year and the Crossbow Revolution is in full swing. If you havn't shot the newest offerings from TenPoint such as the Stealth SS, you wouldn't understand how fast, light, balanced and small they have become. They are killing machines. There is no way that a compound can out do one of these new xbows. My problem is at 55 years old is that I still shoot a Mathews but my success has drastically dropped since my younger years. I have lost confidence in my bow skills, even though I am still abled. My hunting group consists of 5 guys and we hunt 360 acres. Three of them will be hunting with crossbows next year. The other bow guy is only 21 and Testosterone dictates his use of a Compound. Why would so many guys be dumping their bows for crossbows, coincidence? I THINK NOT! Could it be that they all realize that the x bow is a Superior hunting weapon? At my age, I need to put some meat in the freezer and some Bucks on the wall. I have experienced the ups and downs of bow hunting for over 30 years. Perhaps it is time for a change.

This is exactly the attitude that pisses vertical bow hunters off. You admit to being able bodied and experienced with a bow...but you just want it to be easier now. I think you forgot what the challenge behind bow hunting is and should be. That's exactly why the majority of us don't want crossbows in our archery seasons. Bunch of lazy asses just wanting something easy. I have no issue at all with disabled and youth using crossbows to get into or stay into archery...but that is because they can't draw an upright bow with enough poundage...not because they are lazy.
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This is exactly the attitude that pisses vertical bow hunters off. You admit to being able bodied and experienced with a bow...but you just want it to be easier now. I think you forgot what the challenge behind bow hunting is and should be. That's exactly why the majority of us don't want crossbows in our archery seasons. Bunch of lazy asses just wanting something easy. I have no issue at all with disabled and youth using crossbows to get into or stay into archery...but that is because they can't draw an upright bow with enough poundage...not because they are lazy.

do you have the same attitude about able bodied folks that use an inline muzzleloader during a shotgun season? as far as being easier. do you complain about folks who use higher powered rifles than let's say the good ole 270? seems the higher powered rifles do the same thing. make it easier to reach out and touch something.

and Cush, not disabled, but have a shoulder that has started dislocating out of the back of the socket. how much pain should a person have to deal with before they can use a crossbow according to you? and yes, I still try and use my compound. have it dropped down to a little over 50 lbs now.

people need to stop bad mouthing hunting styles and support hunting however a person wants to do it.
You're barking up the wrong tree here if you want to talk about shoulder issues :D I got tired of my shoulder dislocating when I shoot or sneeze, so I'll be seeing Ortho in Denver about my AC joint degeneration. I still use my upright bow, too :D
can't remember the name of the procedure, but had the front fixed back in 86. broke the bones off of my collar bone(protusions they called them)and pinned them in to the front of the socket to enclose it and keep the ball in place. now, as I said, it comes out the back of the socket. thinking I'm too old to go thru that again. 90 days in a sling, and then probably another 3-6 months before the strength got back to semi normal.

mine would come out while brushing my teeth. had to get an electric toothbrush.
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