Yeti GOBOX Collection

Crossbow or Compound?

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New member
Dec 11, 2014
If you could only use one for Whitetails and wanted to guarantee success, which would you choose and why?
I don't care if you carry a crossbow, compound or a rifle none of them guarantee success.
Well, if I woke up in the morning with a throbbing pain in my butt, and a mouthful of down pillow feathers, I'd probably be taking a crossbow. But I don't own one, so I'd take a compound.
I have shot several different crossbows. All at the mid price range. My buddy has used them for his children for years and I don't think I would every buy one for me. I don't care what a guy uses to kill a deer but they had way to many issues. Tuning them left you feeling like Greenhorn with a mouth full of feathers.

1. Tuning them was a pain
2. They are not like shooting a rifle. Rifles have a balance to them and crossbows (most of them are front end heavy)
3. I don't like the feel of them while carrying them. (awkward at best)
4. If I wanted to shoot something that I needed shooting sticks for I would use a riffle
5. The safety on several of them has been very loud. ( Took my buddies son hunting a deer heard it and turn around and went the other way)

This is just based off of mid grade crossbows but and I also expect that they have and keep making improvements to them.
One thing I have learned from chasing white tails for 30years is there is nothing guaranteed
....bow hands down.....just my preference.....:cool:
Nothing will replace good hunting skill.The best weapons available will not make you a better hunter.Knowledge of the game and practice and any of the mentioned weapons will do the job.When you have the habits of the deer and where to find them,then it becomes a personal preference on the choice of weapon.
Nothing will replace good hunting skill.The best weapons available will not make you a better hunter.Knowledge of the game and practice and any of the mentioned weapons will do the job.When you have the habits of the deer and where to find them,then it becomes a personal preference on the choice of weapon.

what is your vote, Bow or Crossbow?


If you get a vertical bow, are you going to make time to practice to be able to hunt ethically with it? Will you be disciplined enough to not take a 30 yard shot if your effective range is only 20?

If the answer to either question is no, get a crossbow.
First off, I would be hunting during the gun season because that is the legal time where I would have weapon choice. (Since I am an able bodied hunter)

#2- There are no guarantees. If I were equally inept on both weapons, crossgun has distinct technology advantage by allowing me to mechanically @#)(# the weapon and leave it loaded for the duration of the hunt.
So lets say that you are efficient with both crossbow and compound. Which would you use for whitetails if you could only have one.
Just use what's legal in your state, most states don't even allow a crossbow for archery season unless you are old and can't pull and hold a bow string back :)
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