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Creeks and Streams

Where is at? Any close ups?
Warner State Park in Tennessee. The snake’s head looks really odd / blunted because it’s swallowing a frog but you can make out the pattern along its back against the bank. I have a video of it swallowing the frog but am unable to upload it. I shared it with TN Watchable Wildlife (They run a great State-specific site that tells you all about common wildlife in Tennessee and where they can be seen -


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After comparing it to a log it crawled by, it was a little under 2 feet. If you’re into snakes, I found a really nice, picture heavy site by Tennessee’s state gov about the various snakes in our state here. Hope you find it helpful!
Walking down Little Harper River in Tennessee. The water has been so low you can walk the river bed without issue. At most ankle to shin deep. Snagged a few crawfish w the kids. It’s been a great spring and summer for getting outside!


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