Yeti GOBOX Collection

Crazy Weather and Unique Catch

Big Sky

Well-known member
Dec 22, 2000
A Warmer Climate
So Saturday was an unbelievably nice day for January in Montana. Upper 40's with little to no wind. For the record on this same weekend last year I was ice fishing with my oldest daughter on the very same lake as this first photo was taken below.

Holter 1/5/19 I wouldn't have believed the lake to be like this if I hadn't seen it myself.

The river below the lake was beautiful as well. The only downside being it was covered up with fishermen. You would have thought it was a weekend in July for all the fly fishermen and drift boats. The two previous weekends I had it basically all to myself but such was not the case this weekend. The river fishing was only mediocre but I did manage to catch a couple browns.
Here is the first one.

In the mean time my fishing partner caught a most unique trout for this stretch of the river. I was fishing about a 100 yards from him when he called out: "Hey Troy, I just caught a brookie!" Say whaaat! There aren't any brook trout around here. My partner has been fishing that stretch for 30 years and had never seen a brook trout there. It was so unique that even a guide on the river in his drift boat rowed in the from the middle of the river to the bank just to see this for himself. He had been guiding for many years and had never seen or heard of a brook trout coming from this area. The guide turned out to be pretty cool and actually kept the fish in his net until I was able to make my way down the bank to see the fish. Anyway, this unique catch doesn't mean much to those that have never fished here, but for the those of us that have it was super unusual!

I managed to pull another brown out of the river that looked a lot like the first one I had caught, but I caught this one a long ways from where I landed the first. It definitely was a different fish.

The lake gave up one more nice fish for me as well. This one actually had some girth and the 21" rainbow gave me one heckuva a good fight. They are so feisty this time of year. The fishing may not have been fast and furious, but the weather was great and it all beat sitting behind this desk!!!
I always appreciate your photos. The last one is the best, beautiful background. How is your other hobby going this year? Haven't seen many posts of dead coyotes.
Nice pics! Perhaps you might pull a tiger trout out of that water too, good luck!
Addicting, the coyote hunting has sucked to say the least. Without going into a long rant as to why it's sucked I'll just say it's coyotes: 14, Big Sky: 0
Addicting, the coyote hunting has sucked to say the least. Without going into a long rant as to why it's sucked I'll just say it's coyotes: 14, Big Sky: 0

That’s too bad. You should make a trip here to MI, we have plenty. What are you feeding the beetles if you don’t have canine skulls?
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