CPW Commission Meeting 1/13/21

This link should pick up at the beginning of the Governor's remarks today.

With they dates as they stand I find it hard to believe 3rd and 4th season won’t have record application rates and demand for the deer seasons, I could see a slight change on elk but who knows...

4th rifle is going to be absolutely stupid this year for sure, I can't wait to see how many points some units will take. The problem for outfitters is the likelihood of bad weather before then making many of the camps inaccessible, generally they try to pull higher-altitude locations before the snow strands them for the winter. The guy I worked for this past year typically shuts down after 3rd rifle due to weather, and the 2021 dates may require him to close up after 2nd-that's a lot of lost revenue. After this last season, when the late 3rd Rifle dates allowed for more snow to fall before he usually leaves, he had to rent a D6 Caterpillar to clear 17 miles of snow-drifted FS road just so the last group of people could leave the lodge.
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This morning is all about wolves. The gov comparing wolverines to ferrets, taxonomy aside, seems a bit misleading IMO.

Interested to listen in this morning.
Tuchton's smirk when Polis said WY would be happy to send us some wolves... 😁
Tuchton - Do wolves killing recreationally, that is beyond their need, not that that would distinguish them from humans. We manage recreational hunting I don't think we should be throwing stones.

Odell (Bio) -For wild game species, wild ungulates I don't think that it's true. There are stories of wolves recreationally killing, surplus killing, venerable livestock, I don't have a lot of experience in the area, there are biologist with more experience.

McDaniel - Hunting in Colorado is not recreational killing, all hunting in Colorado requires consumption of game that is taken... Let's not try to introduce divisions in what you call killing versus hunting.

... and then doubles down and says maybe the commission should reconsider varmint hunting
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Next they will discuss how to best shoot oneself in the foot. Strong parallel with introducing wolves in that one.
Really happy McDaniel called out Tutchton for his comment on recreational killing.

it seems comm. mcdaniel spends a lot of time calling out bullshit anymore

these meetings get harder to watch every time
it seems comm. mcdaniel spends a lot of time calling out bullshit anymore

these meetings get harder to watch every time
Tutchton just can't help himself, he seems compelled to make childish comments.
Tuchton - Do wolves do surplus killing? You know humans surplus kill deer and elk every year, so I don't begrudge them..

McDaniel - Hunting IS NOT surplus killing.

Odell (Bio) - Wolves do surplus kill livestock, unclear about prey species.

... and then doubles down and says maybe the commission should reconsider varmint hunting
I think the word was "recreational," not surplus. Could be wrong.
I think the word was "recreational," not surplus. Could be wrong.
No quotes, because it was a paraphrase. I edited to get it closer.

I think by their comments both the Eric Odell and McDaniel thought that the words were being used interchangeably.
Sorry, I'm 20 minutes behind. Everyone ignoring Adams acting a fool. Talking over everyone and acting like she's the one being offended. Classic.
Her biggest concern is racial/ethnicity/gender nomenclature....
It's unfortunate that she apparently thinks those issues are well represented by focusing on inane details and then yelling at the person trying to answer her question.
Pretty funny that the wolf nuts are fighting themselves now. They are suing to re-list wolves nation wide and re-introduce them in CO, but apparently those two things can't happen at the same time.
Pretty funny that the wolf nuts are fighting themselves now. They are suing to re-list wolves nation wide and re-introduce them in CO, but apparently those two things can't happen at the same time.
Everyone of them that mentioned the "vote" did so with the impression that it was some overwhelming majority like there is a mandate to plant wolves tomorrow.