CPW Commission: End Crow, rail, and sora hunting

This idiot is saying that he wants to end rail and crow hunting to SUPPORT the North American Model. "There isn't enough meat on a rail to bother hunting it." Oh and he also wants to end prairie dog hunting.

Not much meat on a perch, shall we ban fishing for perch? Not much meat on a squirrel, shall we ban hunting for squirrels? How about doves?
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Did Tuchton just say "hunting" is only done on public land?

i think he was kinda just touching on the idea that private property owners can do pest control on private land for crow and p dog without licenses which isn't hunting.

he said some slightly whacky stuff, but i think that was more his point on that specifically.
There is concern that rails will be extirpated from individual bunches of marsh grass. Killing a covey out of one bunch of marsh grass is not extirpation of a species. THIS IS SO STUPID.
The commissioners don't understand the current hunting laws. For example, they think you can shoot prairie dogs from a vehicle. But they are the ones changing the laws. This is awesome.
i'm a bit peeved. summary so far: "no we're trying to defend the NAM and we're trying to defend species from extirpation"

*meanwhile we're literally trying to end the hunting of 3 species for what is stated IN OUR OWN AGENDA as "social concerns"*

bullshit. they really spun this into a biological thing mega fast after they got bombarded with e-mails.

thus far May does make reasonable points. maybe the bag limits are too high, especially if your wetlands are suffering. okay though, have your staff study it and propose new bag limits. maybe regional bag limits.

thank you Blecha for stating that starting with an outright ban is bad process.
The commission is full
Of idiots who don’t even understand current law. They have no freaking clue.

Haha. They are already saying they will be back at the season again…

Funny, you know what we need to do? We all need to go hunting for Crow, Rail etc.

Low harvest high participation.

The lady I support changing the bag limits but I need data on that?

Social perspective is a driving consideration…
They now want to throw a bunch of money at researching Rail populations, so they can try to create some science to support their social agenda in decreasing the bag and possession limit on Rails. What a gross waste of money.
Oh and now the story is they want to ban rail hunting because its difficult to differentiate Black Rails from Virginia and Sora Rails. Hell they're all birds, lets just ban all bird hunting because they all fly and therefore look and act 99% the same.
Oh and now the story is they want to ban rail hunting because its difficult to differentiate Black Rails from Virginia and Sora Rails. Hell they're all birds, lets just ban all bird hunting because they all fly and therefore look and act 99% the same.
Yeah that was a stupid point. Those 2 birds are completely different and easy to distinguish.

But you know they will use the same logic to limit coyote hunting to protect the wolves…
Haha. They are now talking about allocations…. I love how CPW is suddenly strapped for cash again and moving towards a more favorable resident quota is all about money…
I'm not going to be as hard on Commissioners Tutchton and May. I think they presented legitimate concerns and we would do well to listen to their concerns and work with them. I'm more concerned about the process, or lack thereof, for proposing to make a significant change to hunting regulations by eliminating hunting opportunities for three species. I don't know a single person that was aware of the proposal prior to me seeing Foldem bring it up here. After seeing his post, I sent the proposal to our CWCP group, and none of the members were aware.

Public outreach to the Commission at the last minute clearly made a difference in this issue. Commissioner May: "I heard nothing on this issue until the last few days." That's because there was not a public process, and the proposed regulation change was buried in the annual migratory bird season setting process, which is typically no more than a rubber stamp of the status quo or slight changes to accommodate federal changes.

Of note, the CPW staff memo provided to the Commission prior to the first discussion on this proposal in January ended with the following:

If the Commission proposes to restrict seasons or bag limits, or eliminate hunting seasons entirely for these species, we encourage the Commission to clearly communicate this at the January 2023 PWC meeting, and to request input from the public prior to finalizing Chapter W-5 regulations in March 2023.

Clearly, the above didn't happen, and communication issue is what we really need to improve.
Carrie just replied to me and said they voted this am and there will be no changes to hunting!!!!!

From: Carrie Hauser - DNR <[email protected]>
Sent: Wednesday, March 15, 2023 11:44 AM
To: [email protected]
Subject: Re: We need to continue to hunt and harvest CROWS/RAILS/SORA

The commission already voted on this item this morning and no changes to hunting occurred.

On Mar 15, 2023, at 11:31 AM, [email protected] wrote:

Dear Commissioner:

Please oppose the stopping of these hunts. The commission should be following science. I personally harvest crows and grew up harvesting rails and sora’s.

There is no need to stop the harvest of these birds.

As a sportsman and strong supporter and advocate of CPW. I encourage CPW to not allow this social based action to pass. The continued management of these species should be science based and not social based or biased.


Tim Hill
News flash: Colorado Bowhunters Association just proposed OTC non-resident licenses available to guided non-residents IF CPW were to leave resident archery elk OTC and limit NR OTC elk.
News flash: Colorado Bowhunters Association just proposed OTC non-resident licenses available to guided non-residents IF CPW were to leave resident archery elk OTC and limit NR OTC elk.

Those mfers

When did cba jump into bed with outfitters? Just now? Or has that been a love affair all along?
i think he was kinda just touching on the idea that private property owners can do pest control on private land for crow and p dog without licenses which isn't hunting.

he said some slightly whacky stuff, but i think that was more his point on that specifically.
He said hunting means consumption in some manner. I see him laying the groundwork to keep certain soon to be introduced species from being "hunted".
Seems like there was a lot of confusion and so May's indignation at the public comment "surprised the Commission has time for this" was misplaced. They really don't have time for it and didn't do their homework (because they are swamped with wolf meetings and allocations and...).

It was a decent discussion despite the lack of real (or at least perceived) consideration of the staff's detailed letter.

Oak is right though, we (hunters) would do well to find ways to address the perceptions that Tuchton enunciated. On that note, Meateater for the win: https://youtu.be/u4XGPTlDa90?t=995

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