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Covid restrictions going forward

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I think vaccine mandates are acceptable under some conditions

-when they’re actually immunity mandates- which recognize vaccine and natural immunity.
-when the disease the vacccine is for presents a substantial public health risk (not an IFR that rounds to 0% for all but the most fragile demographic)
-when the vaccine prevents contracting and transmitting the virus to others (this is what makes it a public health matter and not a personal health matter)
-when the vaccine is well studied, approved by regulating agencies, no matter how captured by industry they may be, and long term consequences are minimal and known.


That said, I think the non hunting topics on this forum flow better when they focus on chapped butt cheeks, stupid Friday music and (I’m biased toward this one) how to expel a suburban pigeon rooftop invasion.
Too much logic there, once again
Yes me too! Like I said a year or 2 ago all of this would have been considered conspiracy theory or are we already forgetting what the world was like in 2019?

If you told me in 2019 that safe, intensely studies vaccines would be required to travel abroad or work in certain industries when there's a global pandemic I would have said "No shit."
If you told me in 2019 that safe, intensely studies vaccines would be required to travel abroad or work in certain industries when there's a global pandemic I would have said "No shit."
Does anyone know if my incident was recorded into a statistic or was it thrown in the trash when I signed that release form and stumbled out of the ambulance?
Does anyone know if my incident was recorded into a statistic or was it thrown in the trash when I signed that release form and stumbled out of the ambulance?

What happened to you?

Tens of thousands of people included in multi-phase clinical trials. 2.8 billion vaccinated. No vaccine rollout has been more highly scrutinized.
What happened to you?

Tens of thousands of people included in multi-phase clinical trials. 2.8 billion vaccinated. No vaccine rollout has been more highly scrutinized.
Like more than likely way worse damage to the body of a 30yo 4:10 marathoner than covid would’ve done.
Like crack your neck and #*^@#* up your backpacking life hard.

That sucks. Once, I got an injection, made it down two hallways, passed out, hit my head, and barfed in a fake plant when I came to. It had nothing to do with what was in the injection. I was particularly prone to passing out with injections back then. Didn't you say you were bad with needles? What evidence do you have that your fall had anything to do with the vaccine?

Don't flatter yourself too much. Enough young, healthy people have died of COVID that anyone labeling themselves as fit enough to cakewalk through it is being foolish.
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