Corona virus

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I read an article the other day; for the life of me I can't remember what journal it was in, but the author was a world renowned virologist who studied pandemics like the 1918 flu. He said that basically a viruses intent is to get what it needs from it's host and be passed on to the next host. They don't intend to kill their hosts because that can be counterproductive to their survival. Obviously, some viruses like Ebola haven't gotten that message and sometimes weaker people can't handle the stress of a simple flu. But for the most part, as a virus "learns" it's host, it will adapt to do the least harm to the host while still getting what it needs. He said that the same flu from 1918 is still around but has mutated to be less severe. We can only hope that however bad this virus gets, it does the same thing because it appears like it may be around for a while.
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WASHINGTON — The Senate on Thursday approved an $8.3 billion House-passed emergency spending package to combat the coronavirus that has been spreading throughout the United States.

The Senate passed the legislation in a 96-1 vote a day after the House quickly and overwhelmingly passed it in a 415-2 vote and it now goes to President Donald Trump's desk. Appropriators had released details of the bipartisan, bicameral agreement only hours earlier on Wednesday.
The rest of the world is quarantining to try to control the spread. China restricted movement for 700 million people. Schools are closed in China, Japan, Italy, S Korea and other countries. Hotspots are ghost towns.

The US? We’re having an argument about which political party caused the virus. Very limited testing, schools are open in hotspots with no quarantine. Without testing, we have no idea how bad it is here, and the bug will be completely lose in all states before we do react.
Somethings just don't make any sense, I can see the shortage on masks and sanitizer but why do people go over board on TP? How much of this do you need to stay home for a week or two if that is what they are planning. They say it is flu like not all out diarrhea
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