Cool Gifts


Well-known member
Nov 15, 2004
Safe to say I'm hard to buy for but my youngest daughter gave me a Canon PIXMA picture printer. Better yet, she prominsed to help me learn to use it.

How 'bout some unexpected gifts...who got what?
My lovely wife surprised me with two fly rods and reels! A 5 wt for dollies and bows and an 8 wt for the reds! I can hardly wait for my Alaska trip!
Cool gifts,
My 18 year old daughter got her house keys on the 23 and started moving all her stuff in on the 24th. Here house payment is cheaper than rent in the area by 3-400 bucks a month for a one bedroom apt not counting utilities.
She opened her presents this morning then put them in her CAR. WOW that was kinda a shocker since for the last 17 Christmas's here stuff has been on the floor too.

The other kids got some cool stuff and it always seems the simpliest cheapest stuff is what they love the most.
If Santa had any foresight, he would have purchased me an accelerator pedal position sensor for my fubar'd dodge 2500. Two miles from my grandparents house on Christmas acceleration.
You guys are pussy's, my B.I.L got me a case of Sam Adams Boston Lager.......I got all teary Eye'd and shit !
You guys are pussy's, my B.I.L got me a case of Sam Adams Boston Lager.......I got all teary Eye'd and shit !

Now you gotta take back all those things you said about the guy.

Funny JB. Damn funny.

Nice to know you save your emotional outbursts for the appropriate occassion. :D
Big Fin, you know I do..........dont think I dont feel guilty bout all the bad things i said bout him, that sum-a-bitch is the light of my Life ! Regardless, Just cause Im sleeping wit his sister....and him giving me that case of Sam Adams, I'd still feel the same way bout him ! , Thats a fact! I think I swear !
My inlaws got me a stainless steel mini fridge for my man cave that is curently under construction. I though that was pretty cool.
Mrs Claus brought me a SPOT Satellite GPS Messenger so she can keep tabs on me when I'm riding in the high country. Note to self turn off tracking mode while at the tavern. Santa picked out a 10,000# electric winch complete with 2 class 3 hidden hitches for the fronts of both trucks. With the reciever mount kit and a little wiring project I will be able to use it with either truck.
The best for last was my kids pick me up the CD pack of all the Lonesome Dove and Lonesome Dove the Outlaw Years series. 3 extra large pizza's, a couple buckets of popcorn, a flat of coke and a dozen beer was consumed by myself and my boys during the first 9 of 43 episodes.
I'm not the handiest guy in the world but I can hold my own. Anyways early in our relationship I convinced my wife I was a retard when it came to tools, hence my honey do list was very short. Well I blew my cover, and now she knows I am "capable" with tools. Since my cover is blown I figured I might as well get some benefit to me out of it. So I began looking into building my own fly rod. I received a fly rod building kit, and new reel from my in laws. Pretty cool of them. If it doesnt look too shitty when I complete it I'll post some pictures. How my cover got blown is another story all together.