Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Comfort zone in bowhunting

It all depends on the individual situation to me. I killed a bull two years ago at 54 yards in the middle of a rain storm and got a double lung pass through with a 60lb bow shooting light arrows and a 27" draw. I know I can make a 54 yard shot into the kill zone of an elk almost 100% of the time with nothing weird happening. I am not sure I would have taken the same shot on a deer because they are much more jumpy and have a much smaller vital zone.

Last year I drew a pretty much a OIL tag and had an opportunity to kill a 350" + 6 x 7. The bull was screaming and ready for the taking he came in on us fast and we were hunting in the high desert so there was little cover. He came into 61 yards and wouldn't get any closer, he had no idea where i was and stood there bugling at my buddy, the bull was quartered toward me and I chose not to take the shot. I never got another opportunity at that bull and ended up killing a 255" 6 x 6 at 14 yards which my buddy was able to film with his phone. I have replayed that moment over and over in my mind and feel confident that if given the opportunity again that I still would not take the shot, that bull will be bigger next year for the next guy and I would rather watch one walk off than run off with an arrow in its guts.

I fell I could make that shot pretty consistently but I also felt like the margin for error was to high and a wounded bull was pretty likely. I can practice out past 60 yards at my house and am very proficient at that range. I shoot a bow year round and when the snow gets to deep to shoot I go to the local club and shoot a couple times a month.

I also think that most people that I have seen archery hunting should not be making shots like that or anywhere near that range and I was one of those guys a few years ago. It is amazing how many people you see in the woods with mismatched arrows and broad heads in their quivers out hunting. I know people who loose animals every year due to poor shots and buck fever and they are shooting at much closer range.
I practice at 40yrs pretty often just because I like to and have the area to. It helps me focus on my form a lot better. With that being said in sure that people shoot a lot further but where I hunt I wouldn't think about taking a shot over 30......:cool:
Ok…here goes my first post on this forum. I am amazed at all the info on this site…. its humbling. I consider myself to be an "expert" at fishing and can catch a lot of fish a lot of different ways. I am very comfortable on the water. Archery… a relatively new sport for me (compared to fishing) and I am bitten and thoroughly infected with the bug….and with big game hunting in general. My wife bought me a new bow a few years ago and it has been all downhill since! This site is no help….seeing all you guys posing proud next to and honoring some of these trophies is hard to beat! A lot of great folks on here. Now back to topic….I routinely shoot out to 60 yards and can fit all my arrows inside a 6 inch plate. Practicing at 60 makes shooting at 20 and 30 a ton easier. Hunting is another story. Would I shoot a new arrow at the pig of truth at 60 yards….probably not. A live animal…..nope. Definitely not. I would hate to live with wounding an animal on a marginal shot. I would shoot them through that 8" window all day at 35 yards and thats why I think that 35-40 is MY ethical limit. Yes it depends on a lot of things….one of them being alertness of the animal. I hear a lot of people saying…I would take a 60 yarder if the animal wasn't alert. Well….if it isn't alert and doesn't know you are there….why not try to get to 45? Sometimes its hard to practice what you preach. The best example of this was Randy "Big Fin" on one of his most recent episodes. He was "95%" sure…and that wasn't good enough for him. I applaud that. The well being and ethical harvest of that animal was put above the hero shot on that show…. pretty cool stuff. Plus he thought he would get a better opportunity. That is what makes hunting so addictive. Looking forward to being a part of this site. Tons of good people around here.
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Eyeguy- welcome aboard and nice refreshing first post. Talking about ethics instead of asking for honey holes for a "trophy tag" and the biggest available shoulder mounted cannon to blast said critter with.

Where ya from?
Eyeguy- welcome aboard and nice refreshing first post. Talking about ethics instead of asking for honey holes for a "trophy tag" and the biggest available shoulder mounted cannon to blast said critter with.

Where ya from?

Thanks for the welcome. From Lincoln NE. I hunt a lot whitetails and am going on a DIY elk hunt in about a month. Going with a friend who has quite a little experience. Backpacking in and almost no comforts of home. Just the way I want it! Ha. Not really to interested in other peoples spots…half of the reward is finding your own. What I want to gain from this site is knowledge, tactics and other info that many people on here possess. Love the quote about the shoulder cannon. And I am after a trophy…just may have a slightly different view then some. A trophy to me will be any DIY bull on public land with my bow. Very excited for this fall. Good luck everyone…keep practicing. Season will be here quickly. :)
I lived on the east side of Lincoln for about a year. I drove around opening weekend of rifle deer looking at public land around Branched Oak and saw bright orange 50 yards from the road. Decided it wasn't for me.

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