NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Colorado unit 66 elk


New member
Oct 3, 2013
Myself and 6 buddies from Texas drew elk tags in Colorado unit 66. None of us had ever hunted unit 66 so we all scouted using google earth. One of the things I learned about google earth is the terrain looks totally different and the mountains are much higher than we anticipated. Our plan was to set up base camp then backpack into the La Garrita Wilderness which is designated foot or horse traffic only. Here is a pick of our base camp.

While serving in the Marine Corps infantry we would routinely hike 30 miles with 80 lb packs so I thought surely I could hike 3 miles even though I'm now in my mid 40's. The first problem I encountered is the streambed I planned on following was so choked with vegetation and blow downs that I had to pick a different route. I soon leaned trying to hike through country not on established trails is very difficult especially if you're gaining around 2000 feet of elevation. I didn't make it as far back as I would have liked but I did find a decent place to set up my spike camp.

After getting our spike camp set up we got up early the next morning and learned a lesson about making sure your water is protected. All of our water we had filtered was frozen solid and it was a pain making coffee. It was snowy and about 15 degrees that first morning in our spike camp. After getting coffee and breakfast squared away the first thing I noticed is we had some bear tracks about 50 yards from our camp. Its a good thing I hung our food in a tree. After scouting around I found a well traveled trail to a water source and my plan was set up for the following morning. The next morning we set out from camp with the wind in our face and had high anticipation for the hunt. The area I had found was a natural travel corridor between two ranges and with the fresh snow on the ground it was obvious there were elk in the area. While hiking to our ambush site in the full dark I felt the wind shift and start hitting me in the back of the neck. The damn wind had changed and started swirling. At this stage of the early morning it was too late to change locations so I sat tight and hoped the wind would stop shifting. It didn't and sure enough when first light rolled around I could see fresh tracks leaving the area and I knew the elk had surely smelled me. With the shifty winds I decided to break spike camp and head back down to base camp to see how everybody else had done. I learned the other groups had trouble finding water and had to come back to base camp and we found out the camp next to us had dropped three bulls. We didn't get an elk on this hunt but was saw some beautiful country and I learned where and how to hunt for the next one. I did see about 200 mule deer including a 30 incher, 3 moose and a black bear. It was a little disappointing to be going home with empty coolers but such is hunting public land especially considering we had no prior knowledge of the area. Here are some of the pics I took. I'm now back in South Texas and 80 degree weather and looking forward to the opening of South Texas deer and duck season. Hope everyone has a great season.












I'm still learning how to post these pics.
SoTex, try copy and pasting the IMG code from photobucket...should work fine. I'd like to see the pics
Trying to post pics

I've tried going to the insert image icon and copying and pasting the url to no avail and I went to manage attachments and attempted to upload images and this is the message I got.

"Your submission could not be processed because a security token was missing.

If this occurred unexpectedly, please inform the administrator and describe the action you performed before you received this error."
Looks like it was the new computer I got sleepy. Not having any problems with the old one. Here goes. The first pics were of the drive in and the rest were as the week progressed.












Awesome pics. I too have that 12 x 20 tent with the vestibule on the front. I am anxious to get it set up in Colorado and chase some bull.
I saw more moose than elk in the La Garrita. The 12x12 Alanak tent is mine and the 12x20 is my buddies. I've found the 12x12 is perfect for two people and its easy to keep warm and has plenty of room. The 12x20 is so big that we were having trouble keeping it warm in the 15 degree temps. Was having trouble with the new wood burning stove. When you opened the hatch to add more wood smoke would billow out and choke out the tent. We sort of got it to work by building the fire in very back of the box but we were definitely having some sort of venting problem.
I saw more moose than elk in the La Garrita. The 12x12 Alanak tent is mine and the 12x20 is my buddies. I've found the 12x12 is perfect for two people and its easy to keep warm and has plenty of room. The 12x20 is so big that we were having trouble keeping it warm in the 15 degree temps. Was having trouble with the new wood burning stove. When you opened the hatch to add more wood smoke would billow out and choke out the tent. We sort of got it to work by building the fire in very back of the box but we were definitely having some sort of venting problem.

Curious, what brand was the new wood stove?
'How far were you from Deer Lakes campgrounds? "

We were probably 6 or 7 miles East of the Deer Lakes campgrounds almost to the rough creek trail head. The camp next to us killed three bulls up the calf creek drainage about a mile from the road. I crossed the Cebolla Creek and hiked into Posey's Draw. There were a lot of elk in the draw but the wind was swirling badly. When we draw the unit again we'll probably stay away from the La Garrita and concentrate on the Powderhorn. I like be able to use my 4x4 to get into remote areas then day hike and hunt from there. The Powderhorn allows 4x4 and La Garrita is foot traffic only. I probably won't backpack hunt again especially in 15 degree temps. It sucked!!!

"What type of stove"

It was my buddies so I'm not sure but he paid $500.00 for it an my custom made $50.00 stove was much better.
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