Yeti GOBOX Collection

Colorado tag return..


Active member
Apr 7, 2018
I was really looking forward to my Colorado early season Mule deer hunt this year. Unfortunately I've been dealing with some serious hip pain for the last 6 months. I finally got an MRI after a couple months of PT and it shows i have extra bone on the femoral head of my hip so right now I'm dealing with bone on bone and i can't even squat.. being only 28 I'm not going to cause a bunch of damage to myself so surgery is the only option to shave some bone off. unfortunately that puts me in crutches for 6 weeks and not released to full activity for 12 weeks. backpacking into the place i go won't happen which sucks. Ive never returned a tag but if i return my archery tag would i be able to pick up a rifle tag of the return list which hopefully i could do if i had a little more time to build up some strength? i realize its not a serious illness or injury but having to return a tag is a swift kick in the nads
I was really looking forward to my Colorado early season Mule deer hunt this year. Unfortunately I've been dealing with some serious hip pain for the last 6 months. I finally got an MRI after a couple months of PT and it shows i have extra bone on the femoral head of my hip so right now I'm dealing with bone on bone and i can't even squat.. being only 28 I'm not going to cause a bunch of damage to myself so surgery is the only option to shave some bone off. unfortunately that puts me in crutches for 6 weeks and not released to full activity for 12 weeks. backpacking into the place i go won't happen which sucks. Ive never returned a tag but if i return my archery tag would i be able to pick up a rifle tag of the return list which hopefully i could do if i had a little more time to build up some strength? i realize its not a serious illness or injury but having to return a tag is a swift kick in the nads

Bummer, I believe you have to pick points or money when you turn your tag in, but yes you should be able to pick up another tag once you do.
Yes, I did it last year. I had to pay for my tag to reinstate my points. I then got another tag of the returned tags list. I'm a resident, so it's going to hurt you a lot more than me, but it depends on how many points you've got I guess.
I'll just put this out there. Couple years ago I had a "bone spur" tear my labrum in my hip. I had it burned down or whatever they do and fixed my tear. I can tell you I felt better the day after I got home. I was running again in a month although the dr did not know... i kept that between me and the therapist lol. Just something to think about if your that young and in shape. your tag is four months away
I'll just put this out there. Couple years ago I had a "bone spur" tear my labrum in my hip. I had it burned down or whatever they do and fixed my tear. I can tell you I felt better the day after I got home. I was running again in a month although the dr did not know... i kept that between me and the therapist lol. Just something to think about if your that young and in shape. your tag is four months away
i haven't ran pain free in 2 years, so i know its a good thing to get done. I'm supposed to be going in the first week of june so maybe i guess i can hold onto my tag until the last minute before i decide. How long were you out for the labrum tear? they can't tell if mines torn or not until they get in there to shave the bone
I was back at work in 1 month working a very physical job that includes walking 4-5 miles daily too. I like you put it off for a while. Now I will say this the rehab was a little more restrictive for my wife (torn labrum) but she likes to follow the rules lol. Now I never did anything i felt was going to aggravate anything but definitely was doing more than what the dr wanted. Personally I would say you would be ok but each person is different and I'm no dr but I have stayed at a holiday inn express 😂
I was back at work in 1 month working a very physical job that includes walking 4-5 miles daily too. I like you put it off for a while. Now I will say this the rehab was a little more restrictive for my wife (torn labrum) but she likes to follow the rules lol. Now I never did anything i felt was going to aggravate anything but definitely was doing more than what the dr wanted. Personally I would say you would be ok but each person is different and I'm no dr but I have stayed at a holiday inn express 😂
lol sounds like how ill go about it more than likely, thanks for sharing. It gives me a little hope maybe i can still make a go of it.
Just remember you have to do it 30 days before season opens I believe. I would think you would know by then for sure
I was really looking forward to my Colorado early season Mule deer hunt this year. Unfortunately I've been dealing with some serious hip pain for the last 6 months. I finally got an MRI after a couple months of PT and it shows i have extra bone on the femoral head of my hip so right now I'm dealing with bone on bone and i can't even squat.. being only 28 I'm not going to cause a bunch of damage to myself so surgery is the only option to shave some bone off. unfortunately that puts me in crutches for 6 weeks and not released to full activity for 12 weeks. backpacking into the place i go won't happen which sucks. Ive never returned a tag but if i return my archery tag would i be able to pick up a rifle tag of the return list which hopefully i could do if i had a little more time to build up some strength? i realize its not a serious illness or injury but having to return a tag is a swift kick in the nads

Consider donating it to Hunting With Heros. There should be chapters in Colorado. They take mobility impaired veterans and give them an opportunity to hunts.
Yes, I did it last year. I had to pay for my tag to reinstate my points. I then got another tag of the returned tags list. I'm a resident, so it's going to hurt you a lot more than me, but it depends on how many points you've got I guess.

WTH? I returned my tag last year, retained my points and the tag cost with just a small fee...non resident

Edit: I realized that was because it was a second choice tag...
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I'm in about the same situation as SandyCreek, went in for a minor knee procedure and it turned out to be a lot worse than expected. 6 weeks out and still not able to bend it under weight. I applied for points in the draw and had the unsuccessful option set to an OTC archery elk tag. Beings that its not a draw tag, do you guys think I should try to get the tag reversed? Or since it doesn't have any points attached, I can wait and see how the knee responds and refund it 30 days before the season if i need to?

The hopes of making it out there in September is motivating me through the PT. Worse comes to worst, being able to return it and get a late season OTC rifle tag might buy me the time i need.
I'm in about the same situation as SandyCreek, went in for a minor knee procedure and it turned out to be a lot worse than expected. 6 weeks out and still not able to bend it under weight. I applied for points in the draw and had the unsuccessful option set to an OTC archery elk tag. Beings that its not a draw tag, do you guys think I should try to get the tag reversed? Or since it doesn't have any points attached, I can wait and see how the knee responds and refund it 30 days before the season if i need to?

The hopes of making it out there in September is motivating me through the PT. Worse comes to worst, being able to return it and get a late season OTC rifle tag might buy me the time i need.
If you are not sure you can make the hunt, may as well get it reversed as it is an OTC tag and can be purchased during the season at CPW offices. You’ll save yourself a few dollars.
I’m not sure if OTC tags are subject to the same reversal or refund procedure as draw tags though. It’s not clear to me after reading the brochure either as it mentions draw tags but not OTC.
Do these go in the "left-over draw" or on the first come first serve list? I'm guessing the leftover list since they would be earlier?
Do these go in the "left-over draw" or on the first come first serve list? I'm guessing the leftover list since they would be earlier?
I believe if a tag takes 5 points or more to draw, it goes to the next person in line that applied for it. Under 5 points it goes on the leftover list. Not 100% sure, but that's what my not so great memory tells me off the top of my head.
If you get a doctor's explanation of your injury, the folks downtown will work with you, especially this far away from the season. I had to forfeit a speedgoat tag a few weeks before the season because my daughter needed heart surgery (she made it through with flying colors). They couldn't have been nicer. Got my points back and it was just a small fee.
New this year you can reverse your tag by June 14th and save your money and your points

reversing your tag (by June 14th), you still have to choose between your money or your points. It just saves you the $15 refund fee.

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