NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Colorado corner crossing legislation proposal


Well-known member
Jun 8, 2008
western Colorado
There is a draft proposed bill in preparation that would legalize corner crossing in Colorado.
A republican sponsor so far. Likely gonna get smashed by the Ag/landowner/outfitter lobby and their minion?

See what you think. Feel free to offer comments and suggestions. My 3rd hand understanding is BHA was not interested in weighing in but that is very 3rd hand info. If any Colo BHA folks have thoughts, let’s hear them.

Democrats have a supermajority in both sides of the legislature so not sure if this republican sponsored bill will get any sort of fair chance. Personlly, would be surprised if the republicns will get behind it.

Hopefully y’all can access this PDF attachment. Let me know if not.


  • Corner Crossing Bill.pdf
    109.3 KB · Views: 69
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lot's of areas on my radar for colorado corner crossing.

good to see it come forward at least to start putting it on legislators radars. if we hammer them with comments it may gain steam at some point in the future, if not this session.

I'd be curious to hear from some more people in the know here
It seems well written- It would sure be great to see a co-sponsor from across the aisle, as well as support from some of the larger Colorado based hunting/outdoor brands, organizations, etc.

There's definitely a nod to ladders throughout the bill- Home Depot should throw some money behind this so they can capture a few more step-ladder sales.
It goes on to say that if there is NOT owner consent and there is a fence, then mechanical means may be used to avoid stepping on the land or touching the fence. This seems to negate a lot of the prior language in the bill which seemed pretty nice until then.

I agree, not likely to pass or move with demtards in control...
I will reach out to my favorite "that aunt and if you don't know you are that aunt you are that aunt" who also is a big Democrat party participant/organizer and see if she can get something going.she did a good job with the wolf issue.
It reportedly will be introduced very soon.

I received it from a guy I know who has been working on the issue since at least November and lined up the current sponsor. At the outset he was and continues trying to find a demo co-sponsor

I believe he just joined HT at my suggestion, when I told him I would post it. So he might weigh in but I know he is out of pocket for a week perhaps.
I'm quite surprised there aren't pro recreation, public land advocacy dems lined up to cosponsor.

Seriously, since they like to lay claim to the 'pro-recreation/public land party' titles. I'll be very disappointed if a dem co-sponsor doesn't step up.
i just thought about how phil weiser has been treating our stream access debacle the SC will be hearing. that's not to say that he's not treating it through a decently objective lens of current law, which is debatable i'm sure. but given what he's said about it and how he is leading that fight for the state i wonder if our current administration would be leery of such a law on corner crossing, even if surprisingly.

just thoughts. there is a lot more to the stream access situation on the arkansas that is currently in court than "weiser is anti access"... a lot more, to be sure. but it makes you wonder.
I guess my initial reaction to this draft bill is why not wait for the civil case in WY to run its course? We've waited a couple hundred years, why scramble with new legislation now when the court is hopefully going to settle the question (or at least make a fairly large step).
i just thought about how phil weiser has been treating our stream access debacle the SC will be hearing. that's not to say that he's not treating it through a decently objective lens of current law, which is debatable i'm sure. but given what he's said about it and how he is leading that fight for the state i wonder if our current administration would be leery of such a law on corner crossing, even if surprisingly.

just thoughts. there is a lot more to the stream access situation on the arkansas that is currently in court than "weiser is anti access"... a lot more, to be sure. but it makes you wonder.

Weiser ought to just treat access like he treats car theft: "Let them trespass 3-4 times before we throw the book at them." There a bunch of spots I'd be happy to hunt only once or twice before moving on...:)
I guess my initial reaction to this draft bill is why not wait for the civil case in WY to run its course? We've waited a couple hundred years, why scramble with new legislation now when the court is hopefully going to settle the question (or at least make a fairly large step).
Why wait any longer? The Wyoming civil case may drag on for a long time.

Settle it at the state level via legislation.
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