Caribou Gear

Colorado advice


Sep 1, 2010
My father and I have finally decided to pull the trigger and go for a CO deer hunt this fall if we can get it. I am the one planning the hunt for us and have narrowed it down to a few possibilities. I am hoping to get some opinions on the hunts I have narrowed it to. We have 13 points and I am looking at 4th season in unit 3 or 11, 3rd season in unit 22 or 2nd season in unit 1.

Some thoughts for us:
We are not backpack hunters but do like to get out and walk to get away from roads.
We are also not trophy hunters, but would like a good experience and hopefully an opportunity at a nice buck. I know places to get 20-22" 4x4's, and even though that is usually just fine for us, I am hoping we could go a notch better with the points we have built over time.
I know there are OTC elk hunts in 3 and 11 for sure and that is a downside. Haven't checked 22 yet.
We definitely are DIY hunters and not interested in any guided hunts.

Anyway, advice on any of these hunts would be appreciated. If I am steering way off line and you have something else you think I should look at, I would be thankful for that advice too. I don't expect anyone to give me a secret spot or anything like that, but I am hoping since these aren't "everyday" hunts I might be able to get some info from someone who has been there recently.

I have some knowledge in a few Western States if someone is looking to trade info. Private messages are welcome, of course. I am planning on hitting the phone later this week to try and get some info from CO officials.

Thanks in advance for any input you have and are willing to provide. I am open to feedback.

I would do 4th season unit 3. Make sure you have OnX maps chip.or app. You will both get your deer and possibly a chance at a good one if you hold out. Just remember that time of year can be a challenge if you get snow and you can't get around.
Unit 1 can be a pain, especially if the swinging bridge is still out in Browns Park, but that is because I like the northern part of the unit. I've seen some great deer there, and it's some great hunting. It's remote for sure. Bring extra gas no matter what. I personally love unit 1, but have never hunted 2nd season for deer. Spent a lot of time there with muzzle loader for deer and cow elk. 4th season I have seen herds of deer that make me want to hoard points till I could draw it

Unit 22, some good deer, but I would personally never use 13 points to hunt it

Unit 11, can't go wrong this a 4th season tag here. Just about any terrain you are looking for unit 11 has it.

Unit 3, 4th season, better not have a itchy trigger finger. You will get to look over a lot of good bucks 4th season. I've never had a deer tag for that season, but with a elk tag in my pocket I have seen a lot of really good bucks.
I appreciate the feedback. I think I am down to picking between 3 and 11. I am worried we won't be able to get out and hike away from roads in either unit, especially 3. Is that a valid concern?
No, the only concern would be if a big snow comes through and has you stuck on the road getting there. That is just part of hunting Colorado in late season.
I appreciate the feedback. I think I am down to picking between 3 and 11. I am worried we won't be able to get out and hike away from roads in either unit, especially 3. Is that a valid concern?

I don't think its a concern in either unit, but that time of year the bucks are going to be very mobile. I wouldn't commit to hiking into an area until you spot something worth going after. Use your glass to find one you want and go get it. I hunt 3 for mulies. I really like it. I missed a buck this past year that would have been easily been 28" wide and had 5 on one side. I really haunts me still.

Here's a couple bucks from that area. IMG_0776.jpgIMG_0774.jpg
Thanks for the advice and pictures. I am still waffling back and forth. Spoke to some folks with CPW and BLM yesterday so continuing to gather info and advice.....
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