PEAX Equipment

Coffee at home

Oh man this is a rabbit hole I might be headed neighbors opened a coffee shop a couple years ago and hosted a coffee tasting where the roaster came in from Chicago, talked about how coffee plants are grown, and (gasp!) I discovered I CAN taste the floral notes of an Ethiopian coffee vs S American coffees....😲
You sure it's "floral" notes you're tasting? :unsure:

Question for the experience. Can you over grind your coffee beans?
Yes? I'm about a corgi's length into this whole so this isn't gospel, but I do know that too fine a grind really gums up a French press. You want it a bit coarser otherwise when you push down the plunger it will spray everywhere.

My assumption is there is a preferred grind for every style.

Also let me reiterate. Folgers, is a hate crime.
"... Folgers, is a hate crime. ...:

🤣! LMBO!
Hills Bros?
Maxwell House?
Maryland Club?
Sea Port?

Maybe I just don't have enough hair on my chest for "real" (?) coffee?
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"... Folgers, is a hate crime. ...:

🤣! LMBO!
Hills Bros?
Maxwell House?
Maryland Club?
Sea Port?

Maybe I just don't have enough hair on my chest for "real" (?) coffee?
Wegman's is doing it for me right now... before I was buying gevalia. It's not that either of those were that good it's just that Folgers is just that awful.
Wegman's is doing it for me right now... before I was buying gevalia. It's not that either of those were that good it's just that Folgers is just that awful.
In east Texas, a neighbor moved in from LA.
Invited me over for coffee! That stuff would strip paint and etch concrete!
I asked, "What kinda coffee?"
"Folgers." he replied.
"My Folgers doesn't taste like this!" I whined.
"You use too much water and too little coffee." he said, smiling.
In east Texas, a neighbor moved in from LA.
Invited me over for coffee! That stuff would strip paint and etch concrete!
I asked, "What kinda coffee?"
"Folgers." he replied.
"My Folgers doesn't taste like this!" I whined.
"You use too much water and too little coffee." he said, smiling.
Fresh ground Peet’s major D’s blend from Sam’s club and good ole mr. coffee for the win at my house
I have recently gotten into brewing my own coffee. I started experimenting with a french press, but have lately been using an aeropress. I currently still use store bought, and am trying different things to see what flavors and roasts I like. Anyone else gone down this rabbit hole before?
I’m lucky that I have some really good local brands around. I like to play around with French press, pour over, etc. aero press is my next purchase coffee wise. My wife bought us a nuspresso. Which is pretty good option if you
Like expresso, etc and don’t want to by some outrageous contraption.
Following advice from @MarvB @jlong17 @wllm1313 works well:

1. Find a scoop that you can figure how many it takes to equate 20g of coffee. I use a ratio of 20g coffee : 300g water
(Me, 3 scoops whole beans to 1 coffee mug of water... easy)

2. Fresh burr grind the whole beans of your choice roast

3. Pourover at 195-205 F water (just a minute or two off the boil) using proper bloom technique, yadda yadda

4. LEFT pinkie out

Enjoy! ☕ Damn fine cuppa joe
Following advice from @MarvB @jlong17 @wllm1313 works well:

1. Find a scoop that you can figure how many it takes to equate 20g of coffee. I use a ratio of 20g coffee : 300g water
(Me, 3 scoops whole beans to 1 coffee mug of water... easy)

2. Fresh burr grind the whole beans of your choice roast

3. Pourover at 195-205 F water (just a minute or two off the boil) using proper bloom technique, yadda yadda

4. LEFT pinkie out

Enjoy! ☕ Damn fine cuppa joe
Glad I could help you out...

Also... if you like milk in your changer. Also makes an amazing cup of hot chocolate.


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