Caribou Gear

CO Unit 60 & 70

M. R. Byrd

New member
Sep 11, 2009
Hail from Dodge
I would appreciate any reports of the conditions in those units, i.e. good summer growth, poor summer growth, etc. I had planned a scouting trip last month, but my elderly mother fell and I couldn't get the heck out of Dodge. Didn't know if I could even hunt this year, but now looks like I can make it along with my 39 year old son. He and I have drawn tags and hunted unit 40 and 60 in previous years. This year my youngest son will be in elk camp for the first time, along with another of my hunting buddies and his son, who has been in camp with us. We will all be getting 3rd rifle OTC tags.

Not asking for any honey hole info, just general conditions in those areas.

Unit 70 near Naterita and Dry Creek Basin had a really hot summer this year and brutally cold winter last year and this winter has already started with wickedly cold temps and some snow already. I don't know about the rest of 70, but that's where my buddy lives.
Thanks John. I have lost contact with the man that got me hunting unit 60, so don't have the information I used to. It is a long haul out to Grand Junction from Dodge and if things are poor out there, I might hunt further east on unproven ground.
I hunted 70 for a couple of days the last week of archery season. It was pretty green even after a couple of inches of snow fell.

There did seem to be less hunting pressure from both archery and muzzle load hunters than the previous year so the elk may not be as spooked. You can only hope.

Good Luck
Watching the ten day weather forecast for this area and so far it is 60 degree days and 30 degree nights. I remember one morning on a hunt in this area years ago when it was warm. I tried to stay cool on the ascent to my hunting location before daybreak. I got to the park I was intending to hunt and got settled under a big tree that overlooked some prime area. I thought, this is really more like a morning hunting turkey than elk. I sat there and waited for daylight and as it was coming, there was movement to my side, just above me along a ridge. I turn my head slowly and there walking across the horizon, single file like soldiers was a half dozen turkeys. That year there was an abundance of acorns and the turkeys were headed to that prize grove of oaks.

I am anxious to return after a five year hiatus and once again experience God's creation in Colorado.
Here is my oldest son on our hunt from 2005.

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