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CO this fall


Well-known member
Nov 7, 2011
Two eastern tenderfoots and an Arizonan made the voyage to CO this fall for an OTC hunt. Great trip as usual, mostly photos from the scouting here. Saw lots of deer and elk, a big bear, and a snake at 8,500' in October... Most of the elk were on private ground though. I glassed a great 5x5 two days before the season opened, unfortunately he disappeared after that. Also had a brief opportunity on a nice herd bull, probably a 5x or 6x but he was there and gone before I could get on him. It was the toughest hunt I've been on, put a lot of horizontal and vertical miles on the boots, through some really steep rugged terrain, can't wait to get back though! A buddy got the bull on day 6, we were thankful for that, pictured are the pack mules and butchers, not the shooter. The pack out wasn't that far, but was straight up through melting snow, good times! For the second packing trip I tried it kiwi style, long johns with gaiters, very comfortable! Will save the pics of that for the SEH contest. :D We've all got a third of an elk in the freezer now, so we'll eat good this coming year.

Awesome job. An elk on the ground on a DIY OTC hunt is an accomplishment.
You guys did good. 33% success is far above most general unit public land elk hunt success rates. And, looks like you had a blast. Congrats.
Congrats on the hunt! Well done.
Great pics.
Glad to see another easterner get some elk meat!
Will save the pics of that for the SEH contest. :D

1. a call to take part in a contest or competition, esp. a duel.
"he accepted the challenge"
synonyms: dare, provocation; More
a task or situation that tests someone's abilities.
"the ridge is a challenge for experienced climbers"
synonyms: problem, difficult task, test, trial More
an attempt to win a contest or championship in a sport.
"a world title challenge"
2. an objection or query as to the truth of something, often with an implicit demand for proof.
"a challenge to the legality of the order"
synonyms: test, questioning, dispute, stand, opposition, confrontation More
a sentry's call for a password or other proof of identity.
an objection regarding the eligibility or suitability of a jury member.

verb: challenge; 3rd person present: challenges; past tense: challenged; past participle: challenged; gerund or present participle: challenging
1. invite (someone) to engage in a contest.
"he challenged one of my men to a duel"
enter into competition with or opposition against.
"incumbent Democrats are being challenged in the 29th district"
make a rival claim to or threaten someone's hold on (a position).
"they were challenging his leadership"
invite (someone) to do something that one thinks will be difficult or impossible; dare.
"I challenged them to make up their own minds"
test the abilities of.
"he needed something both to challenge his skills and to regain his crown as the king of the thriller"
synonyms: test, tax, strain, make demands on; More
2. dispute the truth or validity of.
"employees challenged the company's requirement"
synonyms: question, disagree with, dispute, take issue with, protest against, call into question, object to More

Bring it on!:D

Looks like a fun trip.
You guys did good. 33% success is far above most general unit public land elk hunt success rates.


Neat to see the smooth green snake. I've only seen a handful of them, and I spend all summer in the right spots.
Well done guys...looks like great country to get lost in for a few days with tags in the pocket! Hope the elk makes good eating and you are planning a return trip next season.