CO refund question


Well-known member
Dec 21, 2018
Two days into the rising sun
Hopefully easy technical question, looking for some reassurance that this would not put my points in jeopardy. Please confirm these scenarios…

Scenario 1: If I apply for 1st and 2nd choice and do not draw 1st but do draw my second choice, I both accrue a point for this year AND get the second choice licence.

Scenario 1A: I accrued my point, draw a 2nd choice, but then can’t hunt and need to request a refund. I will keep all prior points AND this years point and receive a refund for my 2nd choice licence.

*I just can’t take any chances of losing my points or not accruing one for the year. If there is such risk, I would not apply for 2nd choice.
I know your first scenario you could draw a point and a tag. But for the second one I’m wondering myself. With applying for 3 or 4 other states it’s just hard to know what to do without knowing what tags you’re going to draw without the draw results coming out before Colorado’s application deadline.
Scenario 1A: I accrued my point, draw a 2nd choice, but then can’t hunt and need to request a refund. I will keep all prior points AND this years point and receive a refund for my 2nd choice licence.
I had this scenario play out in 2020. Couldn’t hunt due to work and covid rules on crossing state lines. All you lose is a small processing fee as long as it’s returned 30+ days before the start of the season your tag is for.
I had this scenario play out in 2020. Couldn’t hunt due to work and covid rules on crossing state lines. All you lose is a small processing fee as long as it’s returned 30+ days before the start of the season your tag is for.
While the rest of us circle like vultures, waiting for that tag to reissue.
I had this scenario play out in 2020. Couldn’t hunt due to work and covid rules on crossing state lines. All you lose is a small processing fee as long as it’s returned 30+ days before the start of the season your tag is for.
Did you still receive a PP for that year?

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