Close call-please be safe


Active member
Mar 19, 2006
Last night as me and the mrs sat down for our evening meal we got a phone call.It was the University of Iowa hospitals emergency room.Our son was there but he was ok.He and some buddies had gone out duck hunting and on the way in the boat started taking on water.Things went bad and the boat ended up getting capsized.Two of the hunters were on top of the boat and my son and another were stranded in the water.When they tried to climb on the boat it would start to tip.What to do?He and the other hunter decided to swim for shore.
As luck would have it the only other hunter out that night had missed the boat ramp and was making a turn trying to locate it when he thought he heard some yelling.He turned the boat and flipped on his spot light to just make out what he thought were a couple of heads and arms waving at him.He motored over to my son and other hunter to get them in the boat.He had to put his dog ladder in the water to get them aboard as they didn't have much strength left.He then searched and found the two other hunters stranded on top of the capsized boat.He then rushed them to an ambulance that was waiting on shore.My son and the other hunter had been in the water for over an hour and their temps were down to 93 degrees.They had cheated death by the hand of somebody who had hunted the area his whole life but missed the boat ramp for some reason.
I still have this sick feeling in my gut thinking of what might have been and my wife is just now starting to snap out of it.I'm hoping she will actually get some sleep tonight.Our prayers were answered as our son is doing ok(as well the other hunter) except for some minor issues.
Please remember to be safe out there.Don't take risks and put yourself in bad situations.If your mentoring a new hunter stress saftey wether they are young or old.
May god bless you with many safe adventures in the field and may the prayers he answer be that of a big bull or buck and not to make it out a live.
Thanks for sharing Cornfed. We all get in situations that could possible turn bad, and then realize it was a foolish idea.

I am very grateful that all parties are going to be OK. Not the kind of scare you want.
It sounds like the man upstairs intervened by having the other hunter miss the landing so he could be there to help you son and his hunting partners. I am happy to hear all are doing well. Give your son an extra hug the next time you see him. Get some sleep and take care!
God was on their side that night. Been in that situation & know what they went through mentally and physically. Thank God everyone was ok.
I am so glad that everything turned out alright. I think that we take it for granted of just how easy it would be for us to fall into a situation like that. With their temps being that low, that was too close. Not only is this a lesson for all of us to be careful but to always pay attention to our surroundings and if you do think you hear that faint cry in the night. Check it out. You never know who could be in trouble and need your help. As being referred to in the above post, God had definitely intervened in this potentially bad situation.
Some things just aren't accidents, I'm glad everyone is safe, and now there's even more to be thankful for this year.
I don't believe in coincedences when something bad is avoided. I've been on both ends of that type of situation. Sounds like you understand what happened. I'm grateful that everything turned out fine. Hopefully we all can be worthy of that type of intervention.
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