Clintons plan for public lands

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That dang-blasted Obama has ruined it for cops being able to shoot black kids without some sort of protest taking place. Sure need someone to Make America Great Again.....

WTF are you talking about? Most use of force policy has been in place for years if not decades. See Graham V. Connor, Tennessee v. Garner, and Terry v. Ohio, for further reference (or just keep talking out of your ass)

Obama has continuously injected his opinion into incidents that have an on going investigation attempting to discover the facts of said incident. Obama is not interested in the facts. He is interested in "if he was my son" and "he didn do nuffins". He didn't want to wait to find out that Officer Darren Wilson was attempting to do his job, when a chemically altered 6'2" 275lb "sweetheart kid trying to go to college" stole from a store, refused to comply with lawful orders, assaulted Wilson, and attempted to disarm Wilson. Obama didn't want to hear that, he wanted to incite unrest. Your community activist didn't want to wait to hear the facts, he never does when he sees a good opportunity to further his false narrative.

Protest does not include burning buildings, cars, and looting. That's a riot.

Some people put their neck on the line every day they put their uniform and duty belt on, and most have seen a change in attitude and behavior of a certain sect of society towards Police in the last 7yrs. The laws haven't changed, enforcement of the laws haven't changed. However the fact that we have a President that condones criminal actions has changed.

But you don't care, because you don't deal with it every day. You want to further the Obama agenda and claim that its 1950 still.
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I think there is a disparity in the accountability. Losing a job, getting a desk job, getting a demotion, a reprimand in a personnel file does not compare to what happens if your average Joe commits the exact same action: hard time in jail. Plus, having the city/state/feds insurance company pay out millions to a victim doesn't really "criminalize" a criminal act. It's more of a civil thing. I think we are starting to see some chinks in the Blue Wall and some guys are getting criminally prosecuted, but I also think that is a new thing that has occurred, at least in part, as a result of the uppity push-back we are starting to see, along with the media attention, shifting demographics and increases in minority populations compared to the old white majority.

I agree we should be trying to figure out the sociology of the matter. To me it seems a lack of good role models, lack of honest peer alternatives, and the inability to see a way out. I always wondered why a guy under threat of gang violence just didn't put out his thumb, go out west and start over bucking bales and whatnot. But I guess it is hard for some folks to leave their families and all they know. Never been a problem for me, but I wasn't raised with the idea that the world was out to get me and that I could never get ahead no matter what. Also, I wasn't a minority heading out into a majority world.

To your first point, fair, if officers are killing with the same malicious intent as a criminal, that is a huge problem. I would offer that in that small percentage of unjustified killings, a portion of them are certainly instances where an officer made horrific errors in judgment in the heat of the moment, and as a result has been deemed unfit to be put in that position again. It is a pretty weird realm, and at what point do you hold the training program/leadership accountable for putting that officer in a position they weren't equipped to handle?

I believe your second point is where we will find a solution to the problems. I think at some point police and these young men are put on a collision course, once they are a violent criminal (that large majority of police killings and those who kill police), what choice do the police have? I don't agree with some of his thoughts, but I have listened to former Baltimore Police Sergeant Michael Wood Jr. and he does have some really interesting insights on this topic. Most of which revolve around finding something for the youth to latch onto other than destructive behavior.

We have neighborhoods in Saint Paul and Minneapolis, where the police and the people feel like they are under constant threat from the other. One groups young males idolize criminality; look at young athletes, they have made it out, but they still try and act like thugs carrying guns and smoking dope. It certainly isn't empirical evidence, but we talk about the power of positive role models, what about all of the negative influence in their culture? How does this affect their interactions with police? I believe that the vast majority of officers start out with good intentions, but are then shaped/jaded by the negative relationship and stress, especially in the areas where the attitude is most damaging.
WTF are you talking about? Most use of force policy has been in place for years if not decades. See Graham V. Connor, Tennessee v. Garner, and Terry v. Ohio, for further reference (or just keep talking out of your ass)

Obama has continuously injected his opinion into incidents that have an on going investigation attempting to discover the facts of said incident. Obama is not interested in the facts. He is interested in "if he was my son" and "he didn do nuffins". He didn't want to wait to find out that Officer Darren Wilson was attempting to do his job, when a chemically altered 6'2" 275lb "sweetheart kid trying to go to college" stole from a store, refused to comply with lawful orders, assaulted Wilson, and attempted to disarm Wilson. Obama didn't want to hear that, he wanted to incite unrest. Your community activist didn't want to wait to hear the facts, he never does when he sees a good opportunity to further his false narrative.

Protest does not include burning buildings, cars, and looting. That's a riot.

Some people put their neck on the line every day they put their uniform and duty belt on, and most have seen a change in attitude and behavior of a certain sect of society towards Police in the last 7yrs. The laws haven't changed, enforcement of the laws haven't changed. However the fact that we have a President that condones criminal actions has changed.

But you don't care, because you don't deal with it every day. You want to further the Obama agenda and claim that its 1950 still.


Yet even more striking is Trump’s standing with people who are black and Latino — growing voting blocks whose support is crucial to cobbling together a winning coalition. A staggering 94 percent of black voters view the real estate mogul negatively, as do 89 percent of Latinos, despite his predictions that he will “win the Hispanic vote” in November.

It’s not hard to see why.

Trump wants to build a wall on the U.S.-Mexico border and deport millions of undocumented immigrants. He’s gone on a racist tirade against a federal judge of Mexican heritage, and his outreach to Latinos entails posing for a picture on Cinco de Mayo with a taco salad bowl. He initially refused to disavow former Ku Klux Klan grand wizard David Duke, before later doing so. And he has significant backing from white supremacists, especially online, where they harass his critics with vile and racist attacks.

The reality TV personality has taken the 2012 GOP “autopsy” — a set of recommendations the Republican National Committee released meant to broaden the party to minorities — and completely blown it up. With five months to go until November, and no sign their presumptive nominee is willing to change his approach, it’s difficult to see whether the Republican Party can repair its already low standing with non-white voters.

The Manhattan businessman’s only play may be over-performing with whites and independents.

Yeah...... That dang-blasted Obama is the problem with race in America.....
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That dang-blasted Obama has ruined it for cops being able to shoot black kids without some sort of protest taking place. Sure need someone to Make America Great Again.....

In fairness, cops like to beat up and shoot anyone.......purple, green, yellow, black, blue, white. That's what they do.
In fairness, cops like to beat up and shoot anyone.......purple, green, yellow, black, blue, white. That's what they do.

This has to be one of the dumbest generalizations I've read on Hunt Talk.
In fairness, cops like to beat up and shoot anyone.......purple, green, yellow, black, blue, white. That's what they do.

Not sure what the hell to say about that stupid effiing comment. Some day you might need one of those folks to come to your aid and when you do, why don't you tell them what you just wrote here.

A few years back, I banned someone for making ignorant comments to one of the wounded veterans who is a regular on this site. Something as ignorant and stupid as the comment above reflects the perspective that causes me to question of the person making such will add much value to this forum. To make that kind of asinine comment about people who die in defense of the citizens, even if they are like the rest of society where a large enough group will have some outliers from the norm, pisses me off.

I've got too many friends, great people, who are police, FBI, game wardens, and other law enforcement, to let that one stand unanswered. One more dipshit comment like that and you will be packing your keyboard elsewhere.
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