Chinese water a deer

Impressive dog work. Congratulations on the successful tracking job, with a water retrieve to top it all off.

bavarians don’t do water unless there is something worth while going in for!

last weekend we had 2 call outs, one was a back leg shot Chinesewater deer no none hit so just a big flesh wound, 30 hours old by the time we got there, I called the track off after 2.9km and being almost up to my waist in marsh water, then back the next day and that was a miss on a muntjac.

busy times, it’s the mad rush before the end of the female deer hunting season.
A nice one. Since he is out in the rape field I was curious to know if they feed on it.

It’s not rape, a lot of the rape is very behind because of the dry start, that field is more like a thick rubbish almost self seeded, but they sure like it on there.

I’ve seen them eat all sorts,grass wheat barley maize just about everything.

It’s not rape, a lot of the rape is very behind because of the dry start, that field is more like a thick rubbish almost self seeded, but they sure like it on there.

I’ve seen them eat all sorts,grass wheat barley maize just about everything.
I stand corrected. Looked a great deal like the rape fields I've mucked across in Cambridgeshire chasing redlegs.
Once again a full on weekend with clients, this time my regular gang from Scotland headed 12 hrs south for their annual pilgrimage.

over 4 outings (2 days) 4 medal class chinese water deer bucks, 3 does and 2 representative muntjac bucks.

All 9 animals are all now stuffed into coolers and a getting ready to head north.

Roll on the end of March and the end of my client diary until feb 21!

it’s a mad 2 months but I love it!

anyone who guides knows what it’s like!

this Weekend I have my favours and bribes session with 2 friends coming and I have favours to repay.
Another weekend and more clients, but Lady Luck was on our side and it turned out to be a real quick affair, all done and back to the larder in under 3 hrs.

the buck on the right is probably the biggest buck shot this year and I’m guessing to date full stop, it will make a massive Gold medal score, possible top 10 in the country contender.

the one on the left, a nice example that will make silver CIC medal.
this Buck was shot with 6.5x55 Swedish, personally I’m a 270 man, U.K. law states you can use .22 centerfire cartridges but that usually ends up with a search with the dog, my personal rule to clients is 243 win as a minimum
Clients not accurate enough with their shooting and using the wrong bullets I shoot all my Scotish Roe with a 22.250 I've not had any runners YET mostly bank flop, had a few run with bigger calibers.

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