Yeti GOBOX Collection

Check your Boots!


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2010
Gods Country, Colorado
I'm sure at some point this has been thrown around, but a friendly reminder from your Uncle Lar!

As temps start to drop, creepy crawlies start looking for places to get warm. Ask me how I know.

Not gonna share a pic of my foot, but I had to call off my pronghorn hunt this weekend as I had chills/fever/aches and lack of energy.

Not sure what it was that got me and I never remember feeling a bite, but I'm on 2 sets of antibiotics to fight the infection.

Shake those boots out before sticking your feet in!
I'm sure at some point this has been thrown around, but a friendly reminder from your Uncle Lar!

As temps start to drop, creepy crawlies start looking for places to get warm. Ask me how I know.

Not gonna share a pic of my foot, but I had to call off my pronghorn hunt this weekend as I had chills/fever/aches and lack of energy.

Not sure what it was that got me and I never remember feeling a bite, but I'm on 2 sets of antibiotics to fight the infection.

Shake those boots out before sticking your feet in!
Digging the Uncle Lar throwback!
1 week removed from my bite, foot still has some slight swelling, but at least I can put on my tenny runners on with the laces still laced.
I had something similar happen to the trigger finger on my right hand two weeks ago. Very strange. I should start a thread about it. I'm allergic to penicillin and the alternative drugs really tear up my guts. It was a long battle getting a handle on it. Recurrence day before yesterday sent me back on the gut busters. Skin is still sloughing off but I seem to be on the mend finally.
I have hunted in so many crazy places around the world i habitually knock the heel of my shoe or boot on the floor and then look inside before I think of putting them on. I also store them off the floor or ground when possible that seems to help too. I have shaken some weird, huge insects out of my footwear. An example, once in the Central African Republic i shook out what looked like a six inch centipede. My guide asked why I did not throw my shoe at it? I replied, “ it was so big and mean I was afraid it would throw the shoe back at me! “
It's good advice.
Since my days in Iraq it's become a habit. Even at home. Once had a three inch any in there, and countless camel spiders. Plus a pebble in there also sucks.
From the symptoms your describe it sounds like a Brown recluse or a black widow spider bite .(been bitten by a recluse & a black widow. Not fun)
Your doctor didnt tell you what it might have been???
Decades ago on a Zimbabwe safari some sort of strange bug bit me on my right calf rotting a hole the size of a 50 cent piece leaving a scar for twenty years or so. returning to the States a doctor indicated it was probably a spider of some sort. I did not feel well for a week or so. I was busy in a leopard blind at the time it bite me.
From the symptoms your describe it sounds like a Brown recluse or a black widow spider bite .(been bitten by a recluse & a black widow. Not fun)
Your doctor didnt tell you what it might have been???
It never occurred to me my trigger finger infection could have been a bite but the symptoms kinda fit. I shot five geese that day and the first two were retreived from the awful muck of a muddy slough. The dogs were such a mess it took hours to clean them when I got home. Boned the geese that night with no gloves but plenty of water on hand at the sink. Next morning there was what appeared to be a small hole in top of the finger and it felt like a sliver or thorn was in there but I couldn't dig anything out. Treated it with alcohol and disinfectant ointment but by the next day half the finger was black or blue. Very painful. The following morning I went to clinic. Antibiotics seemed to knock it down but then it came back on the side of the finger. My bed is in the basement and I'm thinking maybe a spider crawled in. I may wind up with a small scar but there's plenty more on my hands to keep it company, including a nasty one on left hand from trying to gut my first buck in the dark with a very sharp knife. 1968 I think. Got it sewed up at Lewistown hospital.
At work one day a coworker was sitting on a log doing some calculations. I happened to look down just in time to see a small scorpion crawl into one of his gloves. My first thought was how funny it would be to not tell him but I just couldn't bring myself to be that mean.
Ouch! Hope you're able to salvage your pronghorn hunt.

Its roulette with shoes / boots.
No bites for me, but a couple of years ago my muck boots were in the garage all summer. Occasionally when I was in the garage I'd get the dead rodent smell, but could never figure out where it was coming from. Come October, I brought my boots for a hunt and discovered where the smell was coming from. I couldn't figure out why he couldn't climb out, but none of that mattered. Fortunately, by the time I needed them again he was well decomposed.

Black widow got me as a kid stacking wood


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1 week removed from my bite, foot still has some slight swelling, but at least I can put on my tenny runners on with the laces still laced.

Maybe next time you do what the Mrs. asked you to rather than give a snarky response, eh?

Glad you're on the mend buddy. Good luck with the speed goats!
From the symptoms your describe it sounds like a Brown recluse or a black widow spider bite .(been bitten by a recluse & a black widow. Not fun)
Your doctor didnt tell you what it might have been???
Since there was no oozing, nothing to do a culture on.
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