Cecil the lion part two...

The good: killing a bear with a spear is pretty bad ass
The bad: he acts like a douchebag after doing it. The GoPro mounted to the spear for the kill shot is a little much. His "perfect" gut shot. I think this kind of video would sway more undecided folks to the anti-side vs the pro-hunting side.
The good: killing a bear with a spear is pretty bad ass
The bad: he acts like a douchebag after doing it. The GoPro mounted to the spear for the kill shot is a little much. His "perfect" gut shot. I think this kind of video would sway more undecided folks to the anti-side vs the pro-hunting side.

Agreed, I think it would have been better not posted.
Man I like to bow hunt but dam that is just not my thing.

I will say that guy has balls of steel. I just don't know what to think of the entire spear thing.
This guy is already creating quite a firestorm it seems. Definitely provides fuel for anti-hunters... honestly kinda blows my mind this isn't already illegal as spears are not a legal method of take in most places... apparently the Alberta Fish and Game has proposed a ban because of this and other incidents. I'm sure there are arguments to be made for it being ethical but it's definitely not the cultural norm and because of his attitude, the gopro... jumping around like a moron this is definitely a huge black mark on the hunting community. Honestly if he really wanted to tangle with a bear up close he should go after them like Meshach Browning did back in the 1850s with a couple of dogs and a knife.
My 0.02 worth.

I agree his antics after the shot are likely to put a lot of people off, even avid hunters. I also agree that the GoPro on the spear is a bit much.

I think that most human beings now are completely narcissistic, and self-aggrandizing to the point of missing the point of the great things in life.

It's only my opinion, but I think that if this guy wanted to "test himself" and try and kill a bear with a spear, 100% on his own merit, no cameras, no social media, and did his best to salvage the meat, then I could better understand it.

Without getting on my old-guy soap box, I just think that most of the world has fallen into this "HEY LOOK AT ME" Kardashian, survivor, bachelorette mentality! I'm not interested in pictures of your food, or how many steps you took today. I don't want to see your before and after pictures or your duckface in your bathroom mirror!

It seems like any more the only reason MOST people do anything is to try and get "likes, follows, and retweets"! ... it's sad really.

I support the idea of a spear season. Personally, I like the idea of a thrusting spear (not a throwing spear). I could have killed numerous bulls with a thrusting spear and even took to carrying one with my stick bow. However, I don't think I could bring myself to break the law. The opportunity has not presented itself since I started carrying it anyway. But sometimes you are too close to draw a bow without buggering them.

Here's my thrusting spear and stick bow. I have a perpendicular "handle" on the end to aid in shoving it in:

HS 006.jpg
I don't like the video. Mainly how much of a jackass the guy acts like, more so than the actual spear throwing.
Anti's are illogical buffoons. Their opinion of anything hunting related is irrelevant. It is the opinion of NON hunters that matters, and this doesn't do much to persuade them.
Anti's always comment on hunts with rifles.. 'use a knife, spear of your bare hands and lets see how tough you are.' someone actually does so and they lose their minds. He could have roundhouse kicked the bear and put it in a choke hold to submission like Chuck Norris would, and the thin skinned perpetually aggrieved victim class would still seek a safe space in which Disney is real and bears snuggle baby humans.
Hoping to convert antis is as futile as hoping Hillary will be rightfully executed on the front lawn of the Capitol; its idealistic and never going to happen.
Hunters should focus on a Shane Mahoney type message to the 70-ish% of Americans who aren't Pro or Anti Hunting. This video doesn't do that.
I don't agree with it, at some point you are just killing an animal to say you killed it and I think he is toeing that line. My argument against it would be this.....in most states the requirement to bow hunt has a objective measurement/requirement in terms of a minimum poundage of draw weight. With rifle you need to have a minimum caliber rifle, all to ensure a ethical kill. How do we know that a individual is capable of generating enough force with a spear? I think this hunter is trying to inflate his balls more then him having balls for hunting with a spear.
I saw this video a few months ago...maybe on wideopenspaces? Strange how things come full circle on the interwebs.
Running a spear through a large animal, even through a rib bone, requires surprisingly little effort. It's all in the blade point and the edge. If it's as sharp as it should be, it will go right on through. Stay behind the humerus and the radius. (Cattle).
So....... Which is it getting to close or shooting to far? Is there any way a guy can hunt anymore without getting bashed on?
"Josh Bowmar SPEARS GIANT BE..." This video is no longer available due to a copyright claim by Joshua Todd Bowmar.

it was taken off YouTube, I had to find it elsewhere. I've heard of this guy and wasn't really a fan and this is the icing on the cake.
"Which is it getting to close or shooting to far? Is there any way a guy can hunt anymore without getting bashed on?" - teamhoyt

Very nice! Something to think about. What is appropriate? Hunting is as unique as each of us as individuals.
It is the opinion of NON hunters that matters

I completely agree with MTGomer. This video absolutely hurt the image of hunters in the eyes of the non-hunters...the people who decide our fate on the political front. As with everything in life, people need to think before posting stupid things on the internet.

Obviously hunting with spears goes way back and nobody's going to argue Native Americans were unethical when they were using the same techniques. My comment is centered around how he represents the hunting community by glamorizing the spear penetrate the bear.
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