CBS Saturday Morning- Hunting/Conservation

It seems like every time you watch or read a piece of media where you are knowledgeable or a subject matter expert on the topic being discussed, you can’t help but notice that there are some serious errors in the reporting. I assume this goes on with other topics, I am just not knowledgeable enough to notice it.

I think Ben said it best, you just have to have low expectations. Between a lack of expertise and other communication limitations nuance will be lost. Throughout my professional career I've seen nuance lost time and time again. Personally it's changed the way I approach subjects that I don't have great knowledge in. If I assume much of what I've heard is missing that nuance I try and dig a bit deeper and understand more.

I hope those without understanding on excise taxes go to look a bit deeper. This feature certainly gave folks enough to be curious about.
We are all complaining about the inaccuracies about PR, and I bet (and kinda to your point) that most views who saw this feature thought; "Wait, there are laws for hunting? Like you can't just go out and shoot whatever you want"

Right! I think of all the conversations I've had with non-hunters and try and highlight that most everyone hunts for food, hunting is regulated, and license fees and excise taxes contribute to conservation..... It doesn't take long to have the listener's eyes glaze over with some of the complexity.
We are all complaining about the inaccuracies about PR, and I bet (and kinda to your point) that most views who saw this feature thought; "Wait, there are laws for hunting? Like you can't just go out and shoot whatever you want"
This can’t be. If there were laws for hunting, all the wolves in Yellowstone National park, which the news says is in Montana, wouldn’t have legally been killed by hunters.
after the show Yellowstone became a big hit i'm just afraid most non hunters actually think most of us slather our faces with deer blood to "honor the animal."

most of us don't actually do that right?
