Gastro Gnome - Eat Better Wherever

Can’t decide on first pack?!

I prefer option 2 "Alps outdoorz traverse EPS" , I buy this pack from amazon (after reading this review) and its great for its price.

I recommended it for all of you to buy.
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If you are tied to the $150-250 price range, I would recommend a Kelty or an Osprey. You will get your money's worth before they wear out. If you're planning on lots of trips, however, you have a better chance of coming out money ahead with higher end pack, plus you get to enjoy the extra perks of said pack.
If you are looking to use the bag over the next few years I would STRONGLY recommend purchasing a good quality bag (and boots) now, rather than trying to go cheep. These two items are critical, and you will find yourself replacing them right away. Quick math... two cheep bags that each last a year cost the same as a solid hunting pack from Mystery Ranch.

That being said, if you want to test the waters and get a solid deal on a HIKING mystery ranch pack check out sierra trading post. These do not have load shelf's, but they have solid designs on the belt and shoulder straps which make lifting heavier loads more efficient. There are some older bags around 50% off:

$180 MR Terraplane 82 L Pack -
$150 MR Glacier 70L Pack -

A buddy of mine picked up the Terraplane, and mercy it was comfy! I don't think the frame on these hiking packs can lift anywhere near the 150 lb of a hunting pack, but I would guess around 75, which is a lot... Anyway, camping gear is a journey not a destination...enjoy the addiction...
I have a Kifaru Muskeg 7000 on a duplex lite frame, and its worth every damn penny. I upgraded from and older Kifaru pack and dont regret it.
I can only testify to one of the packs you mention and that is the Alpz TraverseX, I have had that pack for a few years now, and for a day hunt or up to 3 days, it has served me well. I have packed out deer with it, never has it seen an elk, but then again, I have not gone on an elk hunt, as of yet. It carries the weight well and is comfortable, but I believe a pack that that carries a heavy load closer to the body, would be even more comfortable of a pack. If I am able to go on a western hunt on a more regular basis, I will most likely upgrade to one of the higher end packs made specifically for hunting, such as the EXO packs.
I currently have the Tenzing TZ4000. I’m not in love with it but it gets the job done. For me the waist belt pockets/pouches aren’t in a good position when accessing gear. Like another member said, use it for a couple seasons and then upgrade if it doesn’t suit your needs.
If you've seen what used quality (Kifaru, Exo, SG, MR) packs sell for, there is not much financial loss if you find out you're not quite as into backpack hunting as you thought and sell it. If you literally cannot afford one of them, then the Kelty and Osprey recommendations are right on track. Cheap hunting packs are not a good choice due to weight, comfort, durability, manufacturer support, and they have very little resale value. I also agree with the 5000+ sizing. When I got my Exo 5500 my wife was shocked and thought it'd barely work as a daypack because she first saw it in compressed mode, it looks tiny. Open it up and I could just about fit her in it. The flexibility of these modern pack models is amazing. The reason people say to skip buying the low end stuff is because most of us have made the mistakes, suffered the literal pain of our decisions, and lost money as a result.... that said, I know it can be a big hurdle to accept paying $600-800 for a backpack, do your best to get over it. I am not one who willingly spends money just because I can. I almost always buy mid-grade equipment because the increased performance for A class gear is rarely worth the cost for my uses, but that is not the case with hunting backpacks... they are worth it.

I got the Blacks Creek Grip Frame w the Solution Pack. Just got it a month ago n so far I really like it. Seems well thought out n made well. Haven’t hit the mountains w it, just training on the trails around the house. They also give a very good discount for veterans
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I got the Blacks Creek Grip Frame w the Solution Pack. Just got it a month ago n so far I really like it. Seems well thought out n made well. Haven’t hit the mountains w it, just training on the trails around the house. They also give a very good discount for veterans
Watch the zippers on the BC, they’re junk. One on my fanny was trashed after the first deer season.
I have several Alps Outdoorz packs.
The Traverse ESP i like, and i don't like at the same time.
I have no issues with the quality of build/materials.
Traverse ESP itself weighs 6lb.
Add full 3 liters of water, first aid kit, knife, compass, binos etc and weight goes way up from there.
Has one large pocket that is real deep, things get lost in it.
While it has accessory pockets on the outside for compass, spotting scope, and drop down pocket and lashing for rifle or bow, they don't fit things as well as were intended.
Plastic molded frame is internal, and you have to wear the pack fairly high to get it to form to your back. Once you get it set, the wide waist belt seems to help alot, but after about 4 miles adds a lot of stress to your hips.
I'd recommend spending the extra $ and get their Commander.
Get a good hunting pack with a meat shelf. Buy once, cry once.

You’ll save money in the long run and you’ll save your back, too.

While I don’t have much experience with hunting packs, I have a great deal of backpacking experience. Trust me when I say you need to get a pack from either EXO, Kifaru, Mystery Ranch, Seek Outside or Stone Glacier.

My own research has led me to narrow it down to the Mystery Ranch Selway or Beartooth vs. Seek Outside Peregrine or Lanner.
Exo 3500 hands down. I’ve loaded mine the last couple weeks with wel over 50lbs of rock climbing gear plus ropes and food and water and hiked terrible approaches in some steep Utah country.

I’ve been beating mine up and it’s handled everything.
I skimped on sleeping bags and my son and I are making due with the clothes / cold weather gear we have, or going the surplus route. But, I make no sacrifice when it comes to packs. My son has a new Mystery Ranch Selway (the last one Camofire had in stock - $320.00) and I am strapping a Barney's freighter frame and moose bag on my back (used on ebay for $300.00). You have look around but you can find deals. I do not regret these purchases at all. We are training each weekend with full packs going up and down the river bluffs. The Barney's frame is the most comfortable I have ever worn. My son loves his Selway.