Caribou Gear

Canine pronouns


Well-known member
Sep 11, 2020
What do you call your dog when not using its name? This came to mind today when I phoned the vet for update on biopsy report for my Fr Britt. "Hi. I'm Coral's dad." I don't think I've ever used the term "handler." My dogs aren't CIA spies working under me. I stopped using "owner" years ago. My dogs aren't slaves. They are like my children so why not refer to them that way? No one owns their kids. Now, my Lab Ellie has other non-pronoun phrases that she answers to (e.g. "Gawdam you!") but not something I usually use in public.
What do you call your dog when not using its name? This came to mind today when I phoned the vet for update on biopsy report for my Fr Britt. "Hi. I'm Coral's dad." I don't think I've ever used the term "handler." My dogs aren't CIA spies working under me. I stopped using "owner" years ago. My dogs aren't slaves. They are like my children so why not refer to them that way? No one owns their kids. Now, my Lab Ellie has other non-pronoun phrases that she answers to (e.g. "Gawdam you!") but not something I usually use in public.
I've use owner and dad interchangeably sometimes I toss in a spicy epithet to get an eye roll from my wife... "How's my little duck murder" goes over great with the vet techs in Boston.

My dog doesn't have a firm grasp of language so I don't think he cares all that much.
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I like my vet, but for some reason the whole office seems to insist on referring to each animal with the owner's last name. And the fact that my dog and cat both have "human" names just makes it weirder. So I go in and say "I'm David, I have an appointment for Ted," and they respond "Ted McKay?" And I'm like... "I guess..." Just sounds weird.
Our vet used our pup's and our wasn't complicated. We are also backward Texan enough to say 'her'....but don't tell anyone. ; )

Ontario "What do you..."

Other Cranky old men
Onyx is "girlie". Beckett is "buddy". Talking to someone outside of our home it would be "my dog".
My wife and I have labradoodles and goldendoodles for one purpose . . . to make money off the puppies. My wife will refer to the owners of XYZ puppy as "it's parents" - drives me nucking futs!! The "parents" are a little male poodle that's a total shit and a female that's a total bitch . . . not some freaking human.

Dogs are dogs.
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