Can we talk about underwear?

I wear KUIU while hunting/backpacking and love them. For training I've been wearing SAXX and have been very happy with them.
Exofficio is all I've worn for years. Stuff lasts forever, is comfortable, and does a great job battling stink. All you commando guys have me remembering a scene from "There's Something About Mary."
The first lite boxers are pricey, but they perform. I just put three days on mine, with a lot of hiking. And it was friggin hot. They held their shape, they didnt stink. They weren't too hot. What more can you ask for?
I ordered a pair of buck nakeds and was able to put them to the test yesterday at work and I have to say they are the best pair of boxers I’ve ever wore. I ordered 7 more pairs today since they are own sale.
Just got some Meriwool's off amazon. Trial run on a week of camping and they're way better then my old merinos (5yrs) at a fraction of the cost of FL.
Ditto this. Couldn't choke down $90 for First Lite unders so I bought Meriwools and silk longs. Very comfortable in trials so far. Haven't hunted for a week in them yet but for $20 I suspect Ill get my money's worth
You guys have never made it so hard to pick a pair of underwear before. I have a pair of buck nakeds and they fit a little tight for my liking and I can't say I have worn them for multiple days straight.... yet.
The long FL's are the great. Best part is that they land just above the knee. With socks that come up to just below the knee you don't have to wear long underwear. I always have to wait for my hunting buddies to take off boots and pants to remove their long undies.

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