NEW SITKA Ambient 75

Can national grassland be walk in also


Active member
Jun 7, 2016
So a spot shows that it is national grassland but a walkin map shows it as part of a walk in parcel. Can it be both. There is a 2 track on the grassland I was thinking of camping on. Dont wanna get in trouble. Thanks
If its truly National Grasslands you can camp on it. But most likely its not in the walkin program unless its landlocked. Walk-in is a state program. Cant camp on walk-in since its private land. Call the National grasslands office or state game and fish in charge of the walk-in program.
That's what I thought. Its one small piece surrounded by walk in so I think they just shaded everything as walk in.
If you legally access the chunk through public means it is treated just like any other piece of public ground. Often times boundaries for HMAs and walk-ins are drawn on fence lines.
A lot of walk in areas have roads through them sometimes a long ways in. Best to contact locally to be sure.