Camp Partner


New member
Sep 5, 2010
Summersville WV
I lost a good partner a few weeks ago. His son who also went with us each year, he has decided on not anymore. I respect his feelings after loosing his dad.

I'm looking for camp partners. We don't have to hunt together. I just like the time in camp with someone other than myself...

I'm going to hunt deer/elk in Mt. and have a few areas picked out. If anyone is interested, pm me. Ill let you know my area, that i have in mind and we can go from there.

I plan on being in Co. for elk. That one may be taken, not sure yet. I've been there for the last six seasons and will miss my partner but the hunt must go on.

Pm on either state will be Appreciated.

All three hunts are general tags.
Hopefully after a year he will realize that is what dad would want him to do. Go hunt. Put something on the ground in his honor.
Yea that's what I thought too. His son may change his mind next year

I've got plans for Co. I will be not to far from where we had our good times. If i'm so fortunate to get a bull. I will have it mounted and cherish it forever. I have a little 5x5 that i'm thinking of doing that now. It was my first and only bull and he was there to say shoot it.

I'm still going to MT. so anyone wanting to share a camp pm me. less third week in Co.
Wish I had more vaca, but after wife, kids and grandkids eat it up not left with much. Two more years of work, then H yes!

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