Calling all coyote hunters!!!


Nov 30, 2004
Great Falls, MT
I live in an area where the coyotes are becoming very keen to distress calls. I have never tried howling very much. Does this actually work? AND Does it work on coyotes that are trained not to believe. I am also wondering if there is any other stratagies for out smarting these smart animals. I have chased them in vehicles and shot them with shot guns but this is really more of a frustration thing rather than sporty.
Howling for yote's does work. This time of year and late feburary the coyotes are very territory. Late summer the pups are still with them and in feburary it is breeding season. Using Challange barks can pay off good, for both times. Also invitation howls work good in Feburary. As for the distress calls are you using a mouth call or electronic call, I have both. Once the yotes start to get wise I turn to my elec. call. If you hunt any farms the E-caller comes in handy, ( why you ask) most farms have barn cats, chickens, and so on. There are many tapes out there that mimic these sounds for exm. Distress housecat, Coyote killing a pig, coyote and lamb fight. These are not coming sounds that the yotes here, and it is an invitation to a free meal especially if they here another yote doing the killing. The cottontail rabbit, jack rabbit are good calls but in some places they have been done to death. Hereis a pic of a yote I called in. I started out with a challenge howl calling for about 45 seconds, I waited 3 min and then through in the Distressed house cat, this yote came in just a screaming finally stopping about 25 steps from me one shot to the head
yoteler, Yes I use a mouth call and feel I am pretty good at it. I have been doing it for 20 years. Growing up I never had a problem calling them in. If there was one that could hear the call it would come in. I moved back to montana (the place I grew up) 4 years ago and have killed a total of 3 coyotes which is piss poor performance to what I was used to. As far as howling goes, I dont usually hunt the coyotes when they have puppies or when they are breeding. That could contribute as to why I how havent had much luck howling. I even was thinking of howling as a locator and stalking them upon locating there location. I did that once and actually shot the dog.
Well I might have to get me a electronic caller to change the rules here a little bit. Thanks yot and lets get ir done this big game season on our Fantasy Team. I am going out today to scout antelope for the opening of bow season. I have 7 big game tags to I hope to bring home some bacon for the CAMO CREW.
sounds like a plan to me I am working on getting the rest of the pics up of the killes so far this year I wonder how the points system works ?? for adding up the teams score at the end of the year
In fantasy hunts, Moosie has all the points broken down. It is advantagious to kill your critters with a bow. 2ndly, kill animals that SCORE HIGH. Your points are calculated on a percentage of a given score. The higher your animal scores the more points you get. So for example. Mule Deer- if the given score is 180 points and you shoot a mule deer that scores 180 that is 100% if the given score. You get 100 points for your mule deer. If your deer scores higher or lower than 180 you will recieve the points in comparison to the percent which will be more or less than 100 points. It is cool to kill some skin heads(10 points per head) now and again with a skin head tag. You recieve points for them also.

I am not if you can obtain points for animals killed before the game started. So we have to ask Moosie about that. I would like to get some points for my black bear.
Howling can and will work provided you know what you are saying , and when to say it. Combine it with a prey sound also. As also stated, try some woodpecker sounds, fawn bauls/distress, house kitten distress, Rodent squeeks, puppy whines.
When I liven in Idaho back in the seventies, I had pretty good luck playing tapes of babies crying. I made the recordings in a hospital nursery. Sometimes we would have the dogs come four and five at a time. Just watch your scent, and don't play the tape too loud. About half volume to start out.
As the others have said, switch up your calls.

Woodpecker, cat in distress, and puppy in distress all work well when the normal bunny call is old hat.

This became painfully obvious when we set up and called with the bunny call at first light. Immediately, we were surrounded by barking coyotes. Needless to say none came in. We called a couple other stands with no success. On a whim we stopped at the 1st stand again and used pup in distress and we got ran over by 4 coyotes. We got 2 of them, but if one of us would've had a shotgun, I'm sure we could have got them all.
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