California earthquake


Well-known member
Jan 29, 2019
SW Oregon
There was an earthquake off the coast of Northern California early yesterday morning. I don't live particularly close to there and I didn't feel any earthquake, but I was awakened at 2:30 in the morning by my phone making horrible, loud warning type noises and a computerize female voice telling me there was an earthquake. I was not happy with Verizon. One of my daughters, who lives about 40 miles away however, said she did not get the warning on her phone but did feel the earthquake. She said her bed started shaking and she thought that one of her dogs had gotten on the bed and was scratching itself, but when she tried to kick the dog off there was no dog on the bed. She then thought she was going crazy.

What is interesting about all this is that the reason my daughter was awake at 2:30 AM to feel the quake is because her old, senile pit bull started barking, for no apparent reason, at midnight and didn't stop until after the earthquake. So, he apparently sensed the quake coming two and a half hours before it struck. It is a common occurrence to see animals of all kinds seemingly sensing quakes well ahead of time, but people are animals too. Why do we not know ahead of time when an earthquake is coming? Are we somehow inferior to other critters or do we also have this sixth sense and are just too busy thinking and worrying about other unimportant stuff to pay attention? Are we perhaps just too stupid to recognize our own instincts?
Couple years ago, I caught hell from my daughter Called her about 3 a.m. because I saw on the news,there was a fairly big SHAKER and there was a good chance of a SUNAMI on the inside of VANCOUVER ISLAND....One of their homes is low, on waters edge....they now live in the big house,higher up...the one with the fancy dock. The sunami never hit.DSCF2369.JPG
I was watching a video of the Turkey quake and there was a clip of a dog howling just before that one.
Rio went nuts and started barking at me, like lets go dude. I went outside with him and he finally calmed down. We had a talk with him half sitting on me, the protector.
It was bizzare.
I was watching a video of the Turkey quake and there was a clip of a dog howling just before that one.
Rio went nuts and started barking at me, like lets go dude. I went outside with him and he finally calmed down. We had a talk with him half sitting on me, the protector.
It was bizzare.
Animals actions just before an earthquake have been studied for a long time.
I’m not sure that any sixth sense we retain could compete with the overstimulation we now get in society from cell phones, tv, computers, tablets, overscheduled lives and the general crush of humanity.

I’ve also often wondered if we might actually be able to tap into that sense without all the “static” going on around us? Or if we are indeed just lacking in that sense at this point in our evolution?

When I’m out in the woods and once in a while get that tingling up the back of my neck for no discernible reason, I feel like it must still be buried in there, somewhere. Interesting question.
I’m not sure that any sixth sense we retain could compete with the overstimulation we now get in society from cell phones, tv, computers, tablets, overscheduled lives and the general crush of humanity.

I’ve also often wondered if we might actually be able to tap into that sense without all the “static” going on around us? Or if we are indeed just lacking in that sense at this point in our evolution?

When I’m out in the woods and once in a while get that tingling up the back of my neck for no discernible reason, I feel like it must still be buried in there, somewhere. Interesting question.
All the time still. In the insanity I still feel it.
When I’m out in the woods and once in a while get that tingling up the back of my neck for no discernible reason, I feel like it must still be buried in there, somewhere. Interesting question.
My dad taught me that that was a reaction to the ghosts and spirits that inhabit wild places. I have no reason to doubt him.
Was hunting about 20 miles from home in western quebec...had a young border collie.......all of a sudden, he flattened out on the ground,4 legs spread out and was whimpering.....then off in the distance, trees were moving and I felt the quake........very rare in south western quebec.....Here on the ROCK, quakes all the time....we are just waiting for the BIG ONE!!!
As for CALIFORNIA, couple friends flew down to L.A. because of the $hity weather up was cold and wet in the Golden they flew to PHOENIX AZ. Going to an AIR-B&B in WICKENBERG......They called this evening...raining and 4 degrees Cel....... figure they should have just waited it out up here !!!
Was hunting about 20 miles from home in western quebec...had a young border collie.......all of a sudden, he flattened out on the ground,4 legs spread out and was whimpering.....then off in the distance, trees were moving and I felt the quake........very rare in south western quebec.....Here on the ROCK, quakes all the time....we are just waiting for the BIG ONE!!!
Last I knew the most severe earthquake on record in the US occurred in ... Missouri! Yep. Been a very long time since Missouri was anywhere near a plate contact zone. It can happen anywhere.