Caribou Gear Tarp

California Deer / Bear

Thanks for the advice!

I like hunting new places for new species. I want a Columbia Blacktail, and N. Cali seems like as good a place as any.

I received my wilderness permit and California campfire permit, as well as licenses. All that's left is getting on the plane. My uncle is coming along for the hiking, but I'm the only one hunting.

We'll set up a base camp 1-2 miles in, then I'll hunt out from there. Any critters killed will be coming out in pieces to the cooler in the car.
Yeah, why would anyone want to hunt blacktail in North Cal?View attachment 58553View attachment 58554
oh yeah, that's a nice one. I'm so happy most people wont go through the trouble to hunt up there, most people i talk to here in cali go out of state or they just drive around and whine about how bad the hunting is. The alps are spectacular and there are plenty of bucks for those of us that don't mind doing the work.
This hunt is on my bucket list. Good luck. And I beg you to post a write-up and pictures for those of us who want to do this one day!
Good Luck up there, maybe see you on the trail. pic is of granite lake, swift creek THvac sept15 009.jpg
As you're looking for potential hunting spots form a plan B and C along with your first choice. The way the wild fires are these days your first choice could be closed.

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