Bwca trip/ trail cam pics....


Well-known member
Sep 5, 2012
Its been a bit since I've been able to post some pics...sooooo...2018 BWCA trip was great once again, except Dad (71) blew his knee out the 1st we arrived out our camp...hadn't even unpacked the canoes yet!! His kneecap was on the outside of his leg...( it made me wanna pee looking at it) he just grabbed it and moved it back to the front. ( at that point I may have peed a little)! We made him a crutch and he stayed out there all week (tough as they come). He had surgery when we got back to attach his torn quad and some tendons. 29 staples later and he's as good as new!!

Bow season starts here on October 1st. Most of the crops are being harvested as I type this, so more deer will start being more active in the woods. I've only got 3 cams out and have only checked them once this summer and was pleased with what IIMG_14981.jpgIMG_14991.jpgResized_IMG_8497_8566.jpgResized_IMG_8511_7737.jpgIMG_8509.jpg've seen so far. I'm going to recheck them this Saturday for 1 last look....
He sounds tough as nails! Glad he's alright. As for the deer, those are monsters!
Man, I see 3 different deer there that would be the buck of a lifetime for me. There is one buck that’s more like the size I shoot.
Ahh damn those are some brute bucks! You have any pics from the BWCA? You pops seems like some true grit kinda guy
YIKES Jeff, are you sure you didn't open him up with a pocket knife?!?!?! I didn't know they still did things that way these days. I hope he is healing well and doing his therapy.
Awesome bucks!! Will look fwd to a pic in Nov. with you behind one of them.
Best wishes!
LOL. I didn't think they did either...drilled 3 holes in his kneecap and tied it off there...he's doing great! his only concern was being able to get in his tree stand by next week!! lol
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